PAGE 3 - September 26, 2012
The Newscaster-Nature Coast News
Unemployment down, labor force and HIV  - Continued from page 1
employment numbers up
was looking for her medical records.
A detective went to Solida’s residence to answer her questions. After her questions
were answered, Solida told the detective that she is HIV positive and has known this since
(OCALA) – Workforce Connection’s re-
Workforce Connection CEO Rusty  1994, at which time she was counseled by the health department that she could communi-
gional unemployment rate was 10.1 percent
Skinner said that across-the-region expan-  cate this disease to another person through sexual intercourse, and it a criminal offense to
in August, down 0.5 percent over the month
sion of the labor force and increase in the  have sexual intercourse with any person without first informing them that she has the sexu-
and down 2.5 percent from one year ago.
number of those with jobs coupled with the  ally transmissible disease, HIV. She denied having sex with anyone other than her husband
Out of an expanded labor force of 208,671
drop in the number of unemployed shows  during the last six years, but provided the names of the two victims as people she knew, as
there were 21,105 jobless, a drop of 885
strong movement and belies the notion that  a friend, only.
over the month and 5,243 fewer than the
the lower unemployment rate reflects dis-
On Sept. 21, the detective again went to Solida’s residence to advise her of the
same time last year.
couraged job seekers giving up looking for  charges made against her. A probation officer and another deputy were also present. She
The August 2012 unemployment
work. “Seeing this type of improvement  denied ever having sex with either of the men. She was placed under arrest on the charge
 
rates, released by the Florida Department of
across all three areas – expansion of the la-  and transported to the Citrus County Detention Facility.
Economic Opportunity, were 10.1 percent
bor force and employment, combined with
At the jail, Solida told the detective that she would like to tell her side of the story.
a drop in the number of unemployed – is  She first said she that she had twice
in Marion County, down 0.5 percent over
did not have sex with either of the men, but later said
the month; 10.3 percent in Citrus County,
a very positive movement,” Skinner said.  traveled to the firstPetersburg home  he had worn pro-
man s St.  to have sex with him, and
down 0.6 percent; and 9.7 percent in Levy
“While understanding that this is a single  tection, but had  sex with in    had sex
 she never had   him  Citrus County. She said she’d never
County, down 0.6 percent. Florida’s not sea-
month positive across all three, it does pro-  with the  andhadnot sex   the seat ofShe also said
second man,
with him in
a car.
 doctor had toldher, two monthsprior, that she
  
could possibly transmit the HIV
sonally adjusted unemployment rate was 9.0
vide optimism for our economy and em-  that her
    by kissing, andmenandhadneverthem, attempted 
virus    she had kissed both      contacted  or   
percent in August, down 0.3 percent, and the
In August, all 67 counties had de-  contactthem,shouldfortheofHIVHer
to   to advise them they  be tested   presence the  virus.
United States rate was 8.2 percent, down 0.4
clines in their unemployment rate over the  bond was set at $10,000.
email news to:
At the same time, the number
year. Over the month, 66 counties had de-
of those with jobs in August increased by
clines in their unemployment rates (seasonal
2,665 to 187,566.
factors) and one remained unchanged.
Beat the Sheriff Race, Sept. 29
Shell Super Stop
to benefitJessie’s Place
 
    
U.S. 19 at C.R. 40
  
The streets of downtown Inverness will be teeming with runners on Saturday, Sept.
Inglis, Florida
29, when the annual Beat the County’s longest-standing community
Sheriff Race, Citrus
  
road race, comesto forits year, hosted bytheCounty Sheriff’s Office. The
  town  16th   Citrus 
USA TrackField-certified mile) is asphalt, rolling hills.
&   5K (3.1  route all  with slightly
Youinat a reduced  
 may pre-register advance    cost   until mid-
                 
nghton 27. isavailablechildren, studentsof Cit-
i   Sept.  Special pricing   for  and members  the
 
rus Road Runners club. Registration forms are available at the Sheriff’s Operations Center
    
in downtown Inverness, where completed forms and checks may also be turned in.
  
All pre-registered adult runners are guaranteed a commemorative Beat the Sheriff
 
t-shirt. Registration on the day of the race will start at 6:30 a.m. at Courthouse Square, and
    
adult registrants will pay $30 to compete. The race will start at 7:30 a.m., also from Court-
   
house Square, followed by the special Fun Run for kids at 8:15 a.m.
 
    
            
           
    
     
 
  
 
  
   
Carl Roof, Inc.
Display Ad, Quarter Page
Land Clearing - Fill - Septic Installation
To run in May 23, 2012 issue
Carl Roof, Owner
19371 SE Butler Rd.
Inglis, FL 34449
Since 1973
352-257-8250 cell