US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday August 25, 2010
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Nukes In Levy County
Not A Done Deal
With Sally Price
As steps advance in
the process of permitting for
the two new nuclear power plants in South
Levy, people believe it is a done deal. So
much more fits into the equation. This
week in a Tallahassee Aug 19 PRNews-
wire/USNewswire it was reported that
this week would begin hearings before the
Florida Public Service Commission for
a request for nearly $200 million in ad-
ditional advance billing of Florida utility
customers for the construction of 4 pro-
posed reactors by FPL and Progress En-
Testifying at the PSC will be
Mark Cooper, senior fellow for economic
analysis at the Institute For Energy and
The Environment at Vermont Law School
and Arnold Gunderson, chief engineer for
Fairwinds Associates,Inc. Their message
at a prior news conference was “We told
you so.” The two national experts told the
commission that a combination of rap-
idly deteriorating circumstances includ-
ing fast-rising reactor costs, unresolved
AP1000 reactor design issues, falling nat-
Back to School - Sydney and Deandra Allen are welcomed back to Yankeetown School Monday morning by Principal Ann (Hayes) Jensen,
ural gas prices and reduced demand due
Teachers Genie and Tony Sturtevant and Jason Gallup Levy County Sheriff’s Office Deputy School Resource Officer. The Allen girls are part of
to the recession and increased energy ef-
a 3 generation family schooled in this native field stone school house. Teacher Tony Sturtevant retired last year after 35 years of teaching,
ficiency all made it unlikely that FPL and
28 of them here at Yankeetown starting in 1981. His return as a substitute was a surprise to the students who thought he was gone but all
Progress Energy reactors would ever be
the comments I heard were all joy to still have him.. Congratulations are in order for the local school and all those responsible that made
Yankeetown an “A” school and to Principal Hayes who married this summer and is now Principal Jensen. ( She said in opening remarks she
Testifying on behalf of the
Man charged with
will still answer to Hayes if you slip up.) Photo by Sally Price.
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, both
Robber hits
experts recommended that the PSC reject
nearly $200 million combined hike in util-
manslaughter in death of friend
ity rate which could eventually add $40
per month for Progress customers and
would be in addition to $289 million in
Kangaroo Express
reportedly was at the home of a friend, Ken-
cost recovery from utility consumers al-
From Citrus Co. Sheriff Dept.
neth Bartels, at 7089 N. Palmer Way in Her-
ready authorized by the PSC in 2009. Now
Kenneth Clyde Bartels, 21, whose
Just after midnight last Friday, Au-
closing in on a potential $500 million in
address was reported ‘at large,’ was arrested
Deputies were told
gust 20, deputies with the Citrus County
higher utility bills. Florida’s “nuclear cost
by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, Au-
that Porter and some ac-
Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a re-
recovery” arrangements for new reactor
gust 20, on an warrant for manslaughter. The
quaintances were passing
ported armed robbery in Hernando, at the
Continued on page 3 - Squawk Box
arrest report stated that Bartels was located
around a shotgun, and the
Kangaroo Express located at 8486 N. Carl
at a friend’s residence in citrus Springs off
gun fired at some point. Por-
G. Rose Hwy. by the SR 200 bridge.
N. Hale Rd. Bartels was transported to the
ter suffered a fatal gunshot
According to the sheriff’s office, the
Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, where he
wound to the head. Detec-
store clerks said that the suspect entered the
Election Results
was booked-in on the charge, and his bond
tives opened their unknown
store and walked toward the back, where
was set at $10,000.
death investigation with con-
they were cleaning up. The man alternately
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According to the sheriff’s office,
flicting stories from people who were at the
pointed a firearm to each of the clerks’ head,
the death investigation which resulted in
scene of the incident and their associates.
yelling that he wanted all of the money
Bartels’ arrest began on Wednesday, June 9,
“The totality of the ensuing investigation ul-
from the cash register, which is located at
when dispatchers received a call just before
timately led to this charge of manslaughter,”
the front of the store. After an undetermined
1:00 a.m. about the death of a teenage boy,
reported Det. Juan Santiago. Detectives say
Go to the Election page
amount of cash was handed over the robber,
18-year-old Austin Porter of Inverness, who
their investigation is continuing.
Continued on page 3 - Robbery