The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - August 10, 2011
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to the Editor:
Re: You Just Don’t Get It!
Inglis Police Chief, Steve Dixon just turned in a letter, (see on right) signed by offi-
cers and secretary, requesting that Inglis Commission remove police liaison, Sally Price. He
said she has a completely different agenda than IPD and is very negative when ever dealing
with him or his officers. Maybe their agendas ARE different?
Mr. Dixon, remember a year and a half ago when you (and our FORMER Mayor)
called in Sheriff Johnny Smith just to scare us all to death when we signed petitions ask-
ing for a Charter Amendment VOTE on whether or not to dissolve IPD? The Commission
eventually caved and didn’t allow those legal guaranteed votes. Your department dodged a
bullet. But the Mayor and Commissioner Webb didn’t do so good at the next election, did
they? While your department doubled in size your friends shrunk by half (or more). Good
thing YOU don’t have to run for office, huh?
Mr. Dixon, I remember 6 months ago when Your job was to keep order at our
March 5, 2011 “Meet the Candidates” forum; YOU were the only person Out Of Order.
Shouting out “That is a Lie” when she said many people had confided in her about their fear
of police officers, and IPD. Your Threats in town meeting, Even most recent meetings in
July of 2011. (Example: You think you have been sued before you have not seen anything
yet). Threats make me sick; you’ve been behaving like a spoiled child (with a gun).
Mr. Dixon remember 5 months ago, when VOTERS by a MANDATE put Ms.
Price in office and commission made her your BOSS over your Wishes? She RAN on a
platform of downsizing or turning over to the county. IPD Makes lots of arrests, puts people
in jail, gets sued a lot, but doesn’t get many convictions. Why is that? I have made public
records request to know the exact numbers, but have not received any yet. You came to
my car lot and stated if Mrs. Price was elected to the commission you would resign! Mrs.
Price was elected you didn’t resign. Also you stated if she was put as Police Commissioner
(your boss) you would absolutely resign, kind of insinuating if I could stop that you would
stay. Again, she was elected but you didn’t resign. Who would be the not truth tell in the
Hostile work environment’? Just look in the mirror for who’s causing it. With 14
Officers we must have the worst crime in Florida?(We have 1140 people in Inglis, down
300 from 10 yrs. ago). Maybe a Chief who wants the whole Advalurem budget for his de-
partment? You already have more than 100%. The FACE for blame that you put on Sally
Price for grief you’re getting is from the VOTERS. Sally knew me when I started 1st grade.
I received a ticket3 hours after my supposed offense if that is not intimidation I don’t know
what is. That won’t shut me up and if you think you’re gonna scare Sally or the Commis-
sioners; they’re YOUR Bosses, remember? Somebody’s got to be the parent around here.
Keep Beating Up On Sally, and Inglis Citizens, let me know how that works out
for you, fair enough? You just don’t get it.
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
P.S. I think the letter is a direct threat of a Public Official this should be investigat-
ed by the FDLE or whoever investigates these things. Drew White, Inglis 352-447-0777
 
A Guest Commentary by Yankeetown Mayor Dawn Clary
Letter to the Editor:
  up call      Don’t Step on My Blue Suede Shoes – Celeste Widman of the Inglis-Yankeetown
Re: Traffic Ticket wake  
Gu s whaIgs  s on a0.00 ollr t i tit    our lis  Chambers of Commerce addressed the YT Council at the last regular meeting to gain sup-
est nli receive   $20  d a raffic t cke wr ten by  Ing
port for a celebration of the 50th year anniversary of the filming Elvis Presley’s movie “Fol-
Police Department.sw: enol0.0) os get $180.00 out of every
An er (*Tw ty Dl ars- $2 0  ther 
low That Dream”. The movie was shot here in Yankeetown in the summer of 1961 and was
raffi Tiwe ite here ing.   reased in 1962 which has caused some confusion as to the anniversary date. Celeste had a
T c cket  wr n I lis
Wouldn’t it be to trfic tetivity and do other things with our
wise to sp thisafick act
full page of ideas such as continuing the designation of CR40 as Follow That Dream” Blvd
budget money?H abut ig outrnd dug thetax millag?  ith well
ow o pav n  r s eets are  cin   e rates W
all the way to the gulf (that designation of the road now stops at the Yankeetown town limit).
 
over a rd tho ollas, thin t we an o? 
hund e usand d r jus tk whac  d
Other suggestions were to clean up Elvis Park (Celeste is sure she knows where it is), a film
Our Florida Highway Patrol and Levy County Sheriff seem to be the proper agen-
fest of Elvis movies, a proclamation, area restaurants serving fried peanut butter and banana
cies to watch US 19 and County Road 40. Now is the time for our Commissioners to evalu-
sandwiches, the Lion’s Seafood Festival having Elvis as a theme and much much more. The
ate our overall Health and Physical welfare during this upcoming budget. *This information
Council had a few questions and Celeste is supposed to come back to the next meeting and
(average) was provided by our Traffic Department in Bronson Fl. on August 5, 2011.
talk to the Council again. One thing is for sure, Celeste needs help. If you are interested in
William A. Monteverde, Inglis
working on the project with her, stop by and see here at the Chamber of Commerce office
from 10 am till 2 PM.
Welcome – The Recreation and Parks Committee has a new member. Mr. Clark
Dyal, was been appointed to the committee at the last regular meeting. He is a Master Gar-
dener and should be a big help to the committee.
Chambers Island – The grant application to purchase Chambers Island is back on the front
burner. The town had applied for a grant some time ago, working with the Florida Conser-
vation Trust organization. At the time the subject appeared to be moot because the granting
       
agency, Florida Forever was not funded. However, the group apparently had some funds
               
left over and has decided to look at a few projects that they think are interesting. Chambers
              Island falls into that category. The subject will be on the agenda for the midmonth meeting
Monday. Ms. Day of the FCT will be in attendance to answer any questions concerning the
 
matter which has a hearing in Tallahassee on August the 25th. A copy of the application is
available at the hall.
Budget Workshop – As a reminder that the next budget workshop is next Mon-
day. Work will begin on the water budget. Good Night and Good Luck
Buddy & Fred's Hardware
42 Hwy 19 N. - Inglis,FL - 352-447-2600 Est. 1983
Snoozals,Moozles & Whatchamacallits