On August 14th, Let’s Make a Difference
For Lev y County Sheriff
Political Advertisement Paid For And Approved By Bobby McCallum, Republican for Levy County Sheriff
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday July 18, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
visit our website: http://thenewscaster.com
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Tripping Out With The
Grandsons-Part 1
With Doug Johnston
My wife and I re-
cently took our youngest
son and his two sons, ages
nine and six on a weekend
trip. Our daughter-in-law
wasn’t able to go because
of her work schedule and the fact that her
mother was having medical issues.
Our destination was Mobile, Ala-
bama where our daughter, her husband
and their son, who turned 10 the day we
left to return home, reside. We planned to
dine out Friday night then spend Saturday
touring the USS Alabama, a retired WWII
battleship, in the morning and spending the
afternoon at Waterville, a water park near
After relatively smooth sailing
our trusty Garmin managed to guide us
The manatees at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park (Homosassa) know when it is feeding time. As the volunteers get ready
into the absolute worst possible section of
to drop the greens the manatee start circling in anticipation of their meal. This first magnitude spring is home to these manatee who live here
Mobile. We have used the GPS on several
as well as all the fresh and salt water fish that are free to come and go. The "Fish Bowl", a floating underwater observatory, offers an exciting
occasions in cities and urban areas and it
view of the manatee and fish. A new shorebird aviary will soon be constructed at the park (see page 2).
Nineteen Unlicensed
has always worked like a charm. But on
this occasion it really led us astray: Prob-
ably because we haven’t reprogramed the
"Contractors"Shut Down
Stabbing Possible
instrument since we purchased it several
years ago.
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
We were advised by our Garmin
Domestic Incident
to exit in the middle of Mobile. We needed
Sixteen individuals who were ad-
The Citrus County Sheriff's Of-
gas so we pulled over at a gas station near
vertising contracting services via business
fice recently combined forces with the
the exit. We noticed bars on the windows
cards, online ads and promotional fliers re-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Florida Department of Business & Profes-
of the gas station and the family running
sponded to undercover calls asking for bids
Deputies with the Citrus County
sional Regulation (DBPR), Citrus County's
the station didn’t exactly look like the
on a residence that was allegedly in need of
Sheriff s Office responded to a residence in
Code Compliance Division, and the State
Brady Bunch. They looked, for lack of a
modifications. All 16 violators were issued
Dunnellon, off N. Fairport Ave., regarding
Attorney s Office of the Fifth Judicial Cir-
better word, menacing. After a couple of
a notice to cease and desist by DBPR under
an aggravated battery with a knife. The in-
cuit to conduct a crackdown on individuals
turns we realized that we were embedded
Section 455.228(1) of the Florida State Stat-
cident was reported shortly after 4:30 a.m.
or companies performing, or advertising to
in Mobiles version of Watts and the dark-
utes in reference to unlicensed practices.
on July 13. The victim, 46-year-old Culbert
perform, unlicensed construction contract-
ness made our situation seem even more
Three were issued civil citations
Bruce Callihan, lives in a trailer on the prop-
ing work, which is a violation of state and
from the Citrus County Building Division
erty. He was transported to Seven Rivers
county laws.
After we tried, unsuccessfully, to
by the countyís Code Compliance Division,
Regional Medical Center for treatment and
The three-day-long special opera-
drive out of the area we called our daugh-
with a fine of $500 and also issued a Notice
was later admitted. According to the sher-
tion was prompted by numerous complaints
ter. After trying to identify several land-
to Appear (the equivalent of a misdemeanor
iff s office, Callihan's injuries do not appear
made by contractors, builders’ association
marks to pinpoint our location for her she
arrest) from the Citrus County Sheriffís Of-
to be life-threatening.
members, code enforcement officers and cit-
finally recognized an intersection where
fice with a mandatory court appearance. The
According to a press release by
izens about unlicensed contractors making
we were at and she turned to her husband
three were Michael Forristall, 43, of 3 Jís
Public Information Officer Gail Tierney,
competitive bids for specialty jobs which,
Continued on page 4 - Squawk Box
Continued on page 4 - Contractors
Continued on page 3 - Stabbing
by law, should be performed by licensed