The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - June 8, 2016
Searching For The Truth
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Where are all the Human Fossils?
Dear Editor,
Re: Attention Levy County animal lovers!
Great things are going on at the animal shelter. Due to some very generous donors
Have you considered why fossilized human bones are so scarce? If
and willing volunteers, we now have a brand new "cat room" for the comfort and care of the
Noah's flood really happened, would we not have found lots of fossilized
kitties till they can find a new home. Prospective adopters can visit and interact with their
human bones?
new friends in comfortable, friendly, surroundings.
Now that Levy County Animal Services has a full time veterinarian on the prem-
Think, for a moment, what is buried first in a tsunami type flood? It is the
ises, all the animals get full time care. And because of the fund raising activities of LeAF
ones least capable of escaping ­ creatures found at the bottom of the ocean!
(Levy Animal Friends), the donors are providing transports, medicine, and vaccines result-
That is exactly what we find; 95% of all fossils are marine invertebrates,
ing to more rescues all the time.
mostly shellfish. As the flood waters rose and tsunamis rampaged, primar-
Looking for a new addition to your family? Please pay a visit to Levy County Ani-
ily ocean critters were buried and fossilized. Those that did not get covered
mal Services first. They are located on NE 69th Lane, at the entrance of the Levy County
rapidly would float and bloat, become dismembered, disintegrate, and later
Landfill. Thanks to our friends and the county for all your support.
Harry & Shirley Long, Bronson
Letter to the Editor:
The Newscaster
Initially, many humans would have run away from the flood and
Re: Memorial Parade
then eventually succumbed to drowning or holding onto floating vegetation
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
A big thanks to all that put an entry into the Inglis Memorial Day Parade... and
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788 the bodies probably would end up floating on the water,
until death. Most of
to the impressive turnEmail,A special thanks to Fear No Evil Gun Shop and Scott's Auto
out!! Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
not buried in the sedimentary mud. Some have estimated that at the time
Body, who would have received ifirst:and second place (respectively) if there was awards · ·
of the flood, there could have been 350 million people on the planet. This
Webs tes ·
for that... for the time, effort and creativity. The Williston High School Honor Gurard, the
number of people is tiny compared to other living things. Thus, the human
Manatee Division Sea Cadets and the Yankeetown Station Coast Guard just drove the point
population was relatively small, and the chance for rapid burial and fos-
home. The flags (provided by the Inglis Recreation Committee) handed out by the Girl
silization during the flood was low. Even if all 350 million people were
Scouts just put icing on the cake. Thank you again, and thanks to all the folks that came to
preserved and evenly distributed throughout the world's approximate 500
watch and later give tribute for all the lives lost.
Ruth A Ruppert, parade coordiinaor
million cubic miles of flood sediment, the chance of discovery, recognition,
and reporting are remote. Thus, few human remains are found. The primary
  
Letter to Parade Chairperson:
reason for the Genesis flood was the destruction of a widespread evil human
     culture, so rarityofhumanfossils is no surprise.
   the       
Re: Inglis Memorial Day Parade - Manatee Div Sea Cadets
    And    wickedness of man was great in the earth...
  God saw that the
   said, "I  destroy man whom I have created from the face of
And the Lord    will 
Ms. Ruppert,
the earth." - Genesis 6:5,7
This is just a quick note to express my appreciation for the opportunity you pro-
vided for the Sea Cadets of Manatee Division to participate in the Inglis Memorial Day
  sendby BobAllen, Biologist-
te 
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Parade. We were proud and grateful to be a part.
I'll also take the opportunity to express my personal impressions, all favorable.
Paid Advertisement
Contact  at
  Bob
Combining a parade with a somber memorial requires a balance that I think was perfect
at this event. The lack of traditional parade music concerned me at first, but as the parade
 the Food Ranch in Inglis
Summer Reading at
progressed, I realized that the music likely would have been out of place and would have
Friday, 17th,every Friday and Saturday from 10am-2pm, there will
Starting June  
distracted from appropriate reflection on the sacrifices of our fallen service members. As
it was, the parade brought the community together to celebrate our blessings and to revere
notsummerreadingat theInglisRanch old enough towhile thetoadults shop. This sit
 babysitting    Children should be for the kids be able  sit and listen, or is
   service.  Food
those who had sacrificed so much to secure those blessings on our behalf. Thank you for
your effort.
quietly by themselves with a book (books will be provided) or they will be escorted back
Very respectfully, Marty Pickard, Executive Officer - Manatee Division, Yankeetown
to you. Ms. Ruth will be running the program, and other qualified volunteers will be help-
ing. Formore information, please Ruth at 352-447-0236.
  call
Letter to the Editor:
Unlicensed Contractors
- Continued from page 1
It is time that the Inglis Recreation Committee (IRC) receives some well-deserved thanks 
for what they do and what they have done with help from the community. This group  counts of contracting without an electrical license, 2 counts of driving while license sus-
has facilitated the provision of back packs and school  all   School  pended or revoked, 1 count of possession of a prescription drug without a prescription, 1
supplies for Yankeetown
parade and  which 25 children  count of possession of cannabis less than 20 grams, and 1 count of possession of drug para-
students, sponsored a Halloween party, a Christmas party at  
received bicycles, an Easter party and recently the Memorial Day Observation at the Vet-  phernalia. The drug and driving charges were a result of suspects arriving at the meeting
   
eran's Memorial in Central Park. There are other events being planned by this dedicated  location with drugs or without a valid driver's license.
Arrestees on June 1 include Ted Madison Bachman, 58, Beverly Hills; Arthur Eu-
group of volunteers. Hence, a big Thank You and keep up your good work that brings Inglis
together for the good of all. By the way, I have it on good authority that the IRC needs more  gene Bolinger, Jr., 48, Dunnellon; Robert Edward Alexander Carlisle, 32, Hernando; Joanne
Jean Chavez, 45, Dunnellon; Tina Louise Cockrell, 42, Crystal River (drugs charges only);
members. Check at town hall if you wish to join them.
Culberth Lee Duncan, Jr., 32, Inverness; George Clinton Horton, 43, Ocklawaha, FL; Jerry
Bob Webb, Inglis
P. Mathes Jr., 48, Ocala; David Allen Nice, 36; Francesco Sciolino, 54; Douglas Shingler,
    
41; Douglas Henry Stawarz, 55, Inverness; and Sasha Schiller, 34, Floral City
   
Warrants are being pursued for others related to this investigation, and the sheriff's
office Seniors Crimes Unit to determine if any of the arrestees
is also working with their vs.
have been involved in previous complaints.
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