The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - June 20, 2007
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to the editor:
Re:Proposed changes to Yankeetown's existing comprehensive plan.
The current town officials, if not stopped, intend on incorporating these changes
into the town's comprehensive plan which will negatively impact on ALL existing land values
in town. If you are a property owner in Yankeetown and these changes are incorporated into
the comprehensive plan, YOUR property, regardless of its existing zoning classification will
be WORTH LESS THAN IT DOES TODAY. If you do not understand how this would be
possible you need to ask someone who is knowledgeable in these matters and not listen to
the BS coming out of town hall. These changes are being implemented right under your nose
by the current town officials under the guise that these changes will `stop the developer'. It
may stop future development and improvements, including improvements to YOUR property,
but this developer has already submitted its development plans and is exempt from these
proposed changes. From our point of view, these changes will only create a monopoly for our
proposed development, increasing its value, while limiting what you can do to improve the
value of YOUR property.
Also attached you will find a draft of the proposed dock ordinance. This handy
piece of work was authored by Mr. Larry Cohan to fit his own little personal agenda. I was
unaware of any dock problems in Yankeetown, that is, until Larry Cohan arrived. If you live
on the river or a canal, this ordinance, if passed, will have a huge NEGATIVE impact on the
value of your residence and your ability to receive the highest price for your real estate when
Jerry Lemp of Dunnellon did a good deed after some idiot discarded approximately 25 tires on County
you decide to sell. Further, it will limit your right to build or replace a dock to your personal
Road 40 near Easy Street. Pat Lemp called around for 3 weeks trying to get a Levy County official to
specifications. The new ordinance will dictate to you what you can do with YOUR property
arrange a clean up.Finally she got Jerry (of Coastal Carting) to go out & pick them up. The Town of
and it will cost you more in terms of money and hassle in order to receive the permitting.
Inglis did arrange for a landfill to receive them at no charge to Jerry. THANK YOU JERRY.
There are already ample restrictions imposed by Levy County, Fish and Wildlife, Army Corp
Photo by Darryl Diamond
of Engineers, SWFTMD, and the DEP to protect the river and dockage place on the river. We
simply do not need another layer of red tape telling us what we can do with our property...
    Inglis Public Notice
Jim Sherwood,Yankeetown.
Editor's Note: You can view both documents by going to: and
The Town of Inglis is now accepting applications
reading the story on New Comp Plan for Yankeetown.
for the position of a volunteer reserve Police Of-
Letter to the Editor:
Re: Squawk Box June 13th
ficer. Drug testing, P S.I. and State Accreditation
Mr. Doug Johnston is on the mark in the June 13th issue when he talks of what effect
required. Application and Job description may be
imported goods, especially the Chinese goods, are having on our country. But I think he is still
missing the big picture.
picked up at the Inglis Town Hall 135, Hwy 40 E.
Even before the break up of the Soviet Union, there was a big shift in the thinking of
the Chinese communist government. They had decided not to try to spread communism by
Inglis Florida or by contacting the Town Clerk at
force, but to "win" over the rest of the world. The plan they set into motion years ago is now
(352)-447-2203 Applications must be turned in
accelerating towards its conclusion.
We are now becoming more and more heavily dependent on these imports and our
by Monday, July 2nd, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. E.O.E.
economy will soon not be able to function without them. When the Chinese believe it is the
right time, they will "pull the plug" and shut of all trade with the USA. This "declaration of
economic war" is going to create internal shock waves that make what happened at Pearl
Newscaster by the
Vehicle Towing
Harbor look tame. And for two main reasons:
First, half a century ago, we had a large manufacturing base in the private sector which was
352 447-4588
quickly able to adapt to the needs of the country. Now our manufacturing capability in the
private sector is diminishing at an alarming rate. We would not be able to rebound from a
catastrophic announcement of "No imports". How many of our mills and factories are not only
Fax: 352-489-0100
unused, but totally dismantled. The time and expense involved to restart them is too great.
Second, years ago people who were openly against our government and our way of life could
OFree Removal of Unwanted
be detained in a time of war. Today it is too Politically Incorrect to even suggest such a thing.
Cars, Trucks, Scrap Metal
At a time when the effects of this economic war are fully felt, the community of communist
OInc.Tax Receipt for Donated
economic advisors- who can now share their political advice as well- and all the similar think-
Next to the Coast Guard Station
Vehicles, Cars/Trucks of Value
ing organizations throughout the country will then push for a "reorganization" of our govern-
Sunday School 10:00 am.
ment under "socialist" ideals. And it will happen because no one will have a better solution
OAuto/Truck Transport
than the one they offer. Anyone living now who thinks this country wouldn't vote a socialist
Worship Sunday 11: 00 am.
Small dual wheel & RVs
government that promises economic prosperity into power, does not accept the prevailing
OTow Dolly Rentals
Come & See What God is Doing
trends in the thinking of our society.
$45/Day, Winch for Dead Vehicle
5850 Riverside Drive Yankeetown (next to
This is not written to say where to shop or not to shop, but every time we choose to
Coast Guard station) Worship: Sunday, 11AM
save a couple of dollars today by purchasing imported goods, we are guaranteeing a future
Pastor: Dr. Walter Radulovich Office: 352-
where the new government will set the prices for everyone. When we buy Chinese goods, we
447-2506 Home: 352-489-1180
are, as members of a society based on a free market economy, cutting our own economic
throats. Lee Cobb, Crystal River
      The Newscaster by Mail
Important Toll Free Numbers
Fulkerson's General
Citrus Cty Govt. Citrus Springs &
Yes! I want to receive The Newscaster by mail. A one
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year subscription is $18.25 in Florida and $21.25 out of
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State.Mail your check or credit card # with this form.
No Job Too Large or Small
Levy Cty Govt. 800-733-5389
Levy Cty Sheriff 800-538-9767
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Call John Fulkerson
Newscaster Publishing
The Newscaster 352-447-4588
P.O Box 64
Citrus Co.352-621- 4588    
Yankeetown,FL 34498