The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - June 18, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to the Editor:
Re: SPIRITUAL ADULTHOOD -vs- INJUSTICE - An answer to Ms. Sheila Stone, June 11th
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
All life is a ceremony. Every act is a ceremony creating a result in our lives. Every cer-
emony we do brings results to our lives. If we do bad medicine to others, we do bad medicine
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
to ourselves, If we keep on doing bad ceremonies, we will eventually destroy ourselves in
HELP WANTED: Citizens interested in parks and recreation! You may not realize it
one way or another. Any time we live out of harmony, we are doing bad ceremonies. Anytime
but Yankeetown has 8 parks. This is a test, can you name them all??? (Answer at the end). Our
we treat anything with disrespect, whether it is another human being or a plant or an animal,
Comprehensive Plan wants us to have a Parks and Recreation Committee to oversee these
we are performing bad ceremonies. These ceremonies not only have an effect on ourselves
parks. Also some of these parks have yet to be brought to their full potential and it could be
but will simultaneously affect everything. We need to use our power well, and only do good
a fun and interesting job to get involved with them. The Withlacoochee Preserve has got
good support with the Board of Trustees and they do a beautiful job with that project, but the
Some religions teach us that we are children. As children, we have less responsibility for
balance of the parks could use some love too. Councilman Larry Feldhusen is our Parks and
what we say and do. As adults, we realize that we are responsible for what goes into our
Recreation Liaison and will be heading up the group when we get it set up. If you are
bodies and for what words, thoughts, and behaviors that come out of our bodies. When we
interested, please contact town hall or Chris Fineout, our Zoning Officer at 447-5435.
hate, resent, focus on punishment, or try to destroy, our lives are out of harmony. We are
I would like to correct misinformation given in a statement printed in the last edition
creating "bad ceremonies". When we realize we have the power to work positively with the
of the Newscaster concerning a request for public records. James Sherwood stated that on
Creator and put "good ceremonies" into the world, we realize that we have a place and
February 22, Harriet Lewis, their attorney, made a public records request to Yankeetown and
something to contribute.
that YT responded in writing that to we did not have the requested records. This does not
My life is my possibility. It's up to me to create good ceremonies. Perhaps this is a
appear to be true. Mr. Sherwood is mistaken in his statement that YT wrote him a letter stating
confusing answer to you. I hope not. Respectfully, Trisha Gail Ballard, Inglis
that we did not have the records. Our town clerk responded, in writing, that to the best of her
Letter to the Editor:
knowledge the records they wanted were in town hall and available for their inspection. We
Re: Why no Yankeetown Water Plant information?
have begun to recommend that people come into town hall to inspect the public records first
I'm continually dismayed to NEVER find any mention (like a status or Progress
when they make vague and voluminous requests. This request encompassed approximately
Report) in the Newscaster about Yankeetown's largest and most costly improvement project,
3 file cabinets of documents. Despite the fact that the Sherwood's law firm has an unpaid bill
i.e., our new water plant. Perhaps my ignorance here is due to my recent lack of attendance at
of approximately $1000 for public record requests which has remained unpaid for many months,
council meetings (aging & health problems), but somehow I doubt that.
the town has continued to work with them in good faith. A public record request concerning
I read a lot of our Mayor's words on a variety of lesser and often dubious subjects
communications with Rebecca Jetton, our former Zoning Official, was received in town hall on
(like never-ending changes to our Comprehensive Plan), but nary a word about our most
February 25th not February 22nd and our town clerk responded back to them on that day.
costly and important improvement program. I must admit that I shudder to think that our town
Approximately three weeks later Felix Spittler of Isaac Walton Investors came into town hall to
government has goofed once again (like the "perc" pond deal) and is trying to hide one more
take care of the request. He was given the boxes and boxes of records. He spent two days here
costly misdeed.
reviewing them, and selected the copies he wanted. Yankeetown never responded that we did
For those of us unable to attend our town meetings, why cannot our water plant
not have the records. Our attorney is responding to the court concerning this matter.
progress be reported regularly in the well-read Newscaster? Glen R. Spetz, Yankeetown
Answer to test: Fisherman's Park, Winding River Park, Town Yacht Basin, Palmetto
Inglis Police Offer tips to deter fuel theft
Park, Anchorage Park, Playground, Withlacoochee Preserve, and Water Resources Park. Now
for extra points, tell me where they all are.
With fuel prices rising nationwide, the Inglis Police Department and law enforcement
Special Thanx to the Sea Cadets for helping with our Flag ceremony on Saturday.
agencies across the United States are receiving calls regarding the theft of fuel. The IPD
The POW flag now flies over town hall in remembrance of all those who paid such a high price
recommends that all citizens lock all fuel storage containers in a garage or shed and to pur-
in the service of our country. Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of
chase a locking gas cap for their vehicles. In addition, all fuel distribution locations are urged
to utilize the "Pre Pay," option for all cash transactions.
Gulf State Quartet to perform in Crystal River
The Gulf State Quartet, one of Central Florida's favorite gospel groups, will be in
concert at the First Baptist Church of Lk. Rousseau on Sat., June 21, at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is
invited to attend the concert and the Covered Dish Dinner that will follow. The church is
located at 7854 W. Dunnellon Rd. (Hwy. 488), just east of the intersection with Citrus Ave.
(Hwy. 495), Crystal River. The Gulf State Quartet is a gospel music ministry from Hardee
County, Florida that travels extensively throughout the southeastern U.S., proclaiming God's
Good News through music. For additional information, please contact (352) 489-4636.
Aquatic Weed Control on Lake Rousseau
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will conduct aquatic weed
control treatment in Lake Rousseau during June 2 through 13, using EPA (Enviromental
Protection Agency) approved herbicides. Reward will be used for treating water lettuce
and water hyacinth, and Glyphosate and Aquathol Super K will be used tomaintain boat
trails. Do not use the treated areas of the lake for domestic purposes or for irrigation for 5
days in Reward treated areas and for 7 days in Aquathol Super K areas.
Do not use the lake for livestock watering for 1 day in areas treated by Reward.
Treated water should not be used for drinking for 3 days in Reward treated areas; this
does not apply to tap water. There are no restrictions in Glyphosate treated areas. Signs
Thursday afternoon about 3 PM an unidentified female rolled her Toyota Avalon as her car
will be posted in treated areas with treatment dates and restrictions. Treatments may be
apparently hydroplaned on Hwy 19 north of Inglis. According to a witness there was a heavy
delayed due to adverse environmental conditions. For additional information, call the
downpour and the accumulated water on the road caused her car to go out of control. He said
DEP at (352) 726-8622.
she got out OK. Phil Spraker and Cleve Boatright are shown on scene. Photo by Sally Price.
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