US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Yankeetown, FL
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday June 18, 2008
Permit No. 4
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Newscaster Publishing
Sally Price Correspondent
Squawk Box
With Mike Moore
Scooter Economy
The news said oil has just
hit a record price of $139.89 per
barrel. What ever that price
means in the larger economic
scheme, I don't know. I do know
that the last time I filled up, gas
at the pump was hedging close
to $4.00/gal. When I was in Atlanta the last
couple of weeks, I saw many places selling
diesel fuel at the pump for $5.09/gal.
Those kinds of prices for energy are the
forerunner of the rest of things to start cost-
ing more; heavy things especially, like milk,
meat, and even soda. It is a forgone conclu-
sion that a big rig that hauls those kinds of
items and burns fuel at 6 miles per gallon, is
going to pass that cost on to consumers. All
of this is rhetoric I'm sure; everyone reading
this already knows a lot about the current fuel
I've seen this coming for a long time and
have already put thought into not getting
caught by this economic snag. I stood in line
in 2003 for 8 months to buy a Toyota Prius.
My Prius, with it's hybrid gas/electric engine,
gets 47 mpg everyday. It uses the slickest gas
saving technology I've ever seen; by turning
Alligator trapped on Highway 40 near Levy County Line- Residents near Hwy. 40, at the former Easy Street Cafe, just west of the Levy-Marion
the engine off while sitting at a traffic light or
County line, were entertained by the capture of a seven-foot-long alligator, Friday afternoon, around 7:30 p.m. More on page 3 - Newscaster
going downhill, it just doesn't save fuel,
Photo by Deborah Russell
sometimes it doesn't use any fuel at all. No
Alligator Invades      Missing woman's son charged
pollution. No wasted fuel. Hybrid technology
is wonderful.
My other main method of transportation
with her murder
is a 49cc 2-stroke gas powered scooter. It gets
125mpg everyday. Yes, 125mpg. For straight
From the Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Around 9:30 p.m., June 10, deputies re-
up economy of transport, you can't beat it.
sponded to Ms. Wing's home, in order to
From here at home on Gospel Island, to any-
While awaiting the positive identification
check on her well-be-
where in Inverness is less than 10 miles. To
by dental records of a woman's body found
By Deborah Russell
ing, but she was no-
my office is 3 miles. A round trip costs me
Newscaster Editor
in Hernando County on June 12, detectives
where to be found and
$.03/mile or $.18 worth of fuel. For the sake of
with the Citrus County Sheriff's Office believe
conditions found at
some startling statistics, I'll tell you my third
they have ample evidence to say that the vic-
Residents near Hwy. 40, at the former
her home made depu-
vehicle is a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I use it to
tim is Janet R. Wing, a 74-year-old woman who
Easy Street Cafe, just west of the Levy-Marion
ties suspicious about
haul boats and campers and such around. It
disappeared from her Beverly Hills home un-
County line, were entertained by the capture
her disappearance.
gets a typical and unfortunate 15mpg.
der, last week, under suspicious circum-
of a seven-foot-long alligator, Friday after-
One of Ms. Wing's chil-
Taking the average fuel economy of my
stances. Detectives have since met with
noon, around 7:30 p.m.
dren, a son whose
Prius, (47mpg or $.09/mile) and my Jeep,
Wing's family members and advised them of
The gator was first seen by Linda
name was not speci-
(15mpg or $.27/mile) that equals 31mpg. Us-
the details of the investigation.
and John Lyon, as they were leaving home to
fied, had spoken with
ing $4.00/gal for gas, the average cost per mile
Preliminary autopsy results confirm that
see a movie in Crystal River. They contacted
Donald Wing
her on June 7, but he'd
for both my vehicles equals $.13/mile. Every
the woman's death was a homicide, with
Sandy Molski, who owns the old Easy Street
been unable to reach her since that time. Depu-
time I drive my scooter to pick up a gallon of
trauma to her upper torso. Based on physical
Cafe property and is now living there with her
ties entered a "Be on the Lookout" (BOLO)
milk or to take myself to work, I save $.06/mile
evidence found in Wing's home, located at 74
husband, Richard, remodeling the interior.
for Wing. Her name was entered into the Na-
when I leave the Prius home and a whopping
S. Jefferson Street, Beverly Hills, along with
Molski and neighbors Pauline and T.J.
tional Mission Persons database on June 11
$.24/mile to keep the Jeep in the garage. In
other evidence and statements, Citrus County
Harrison, who were visiting with her, con-
and the sheriff's office posted missing per-
essence, the scooter is EIGHT times more fuel
detectives believe that she was murdered at
tacted alligator trappers Patrick Williams and
son fliers around the area.
efficient than the Jeep. Just so you know,
her home, then transported to the site off a
Bobby Bass, both of Gainesville, who soon
One of Wing's adult sons, Donald, ap-
when the Jeep rolls down the street, the en-
lime rock road near U.S. Hwy. 19 in Hernando
arrived on the scene.
parently lived with her at her Citrus County
gine is burning fuel to move 200lbs. of me and
County, where a woman's body was found on
According to Molski and the
Continued on page 3 - Squawk Box
the morning of June 12.
Continued on page 8 - Murder Charge
Continued on page 3 - Gator Invades