US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
Have a Safe & Happy Memorial Day
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Bin Laden is Dead
& So Is the Mole
With Doug Johnston
We will always
remember May 1st 2011 as
the day Osama bin Laden
finally met justice. If ever
a human being needed to
be exterminated it was bin
Laden. The mastermind of
the East African Embassy
bombings, the USS Cole bombing and the
911 horror was the face of Al Qaeda and
international terrorism. He was gunned
down in a compound in Pakistan. Halle-
It is predictable that bin Laden’s
sons are calling for the world communi-
ty to condemn the United States for the
“murder” of their father. It is also asinine.
The world is a better place with bin Laden
gone. That’s not rocket science.
The Wednesday after bin Laden
was brought to justice I was rewarded
with the number two varmint on my Most
Wanted List being killed as well: Allow
me to explain.
About a dozen years ago I laid
Near the end of the school year each year Yankeetown School has Field Day. Competitions, fun, food and and a running off of energy is always
sod in my back yard. My back yard was
on the agenda. Thursday was that day. One of the most looked forward to challenges are the tug of wars with opposing classes. Here teacher
my pride and joy. The children and grand-
Chuck Gatton directs a tug of war with teachers and parents coaching the students in pulling harder while “digging in.” Watch for the upcoming
children would no longer drag sand into
end of the school year Awards Ceremonies.” Newscaster Photo by Sally Price.
Levy Man
our swimming pool because of the rich
CCSO Cracks Down on Drugs in
carpet of grass I had installed. Then a
mound of dirt appeared in the middle of
Arrested For
my grassy carpet: Then another, and an-
Homosassa, Five Arrested
Killing Family
I gathered advice from friends
and neighbors and the internet and tried a
mately a quarter pound of marijuana.” He
The Citrus County Sheriff’s Office
Dog With
explained that he takes the Lortabs for pain
cracked down on drugs in Homosassa, May
Continued on page 3- Squawk Box
in a bad shoulder, and does not have a pre-
20, and arrested five people in two locations,
scription for them because a physician can-
four on major drug charges.
Wood Products Machete  Sheriff Dept.
not prescribe pain medication for him (no
A search warrant at 5:55 a.m. re-
explanation was given as to why this is not
sulted in the arrest of a married couple and
From the Levy Co.
a young man who resides with them. The
On 05/19/2011
In the master bedroom, deputies
Citrus County Sheriff’s Office’s Tactical
Home - Industry - Marine
deputies responded to a
found a bag of cocaine in the headboard
Impact and Vice Narcotic Unit and Swat
Trenton address in ref-
compartment, a bag of cocaine under a
Team executed the search warrant at 6707
Your plans or ours
erence to an altercation.
racing helmet on the headboard, a bag of
W. Green Acres St., the residence of Rich-
Gavin Brown reported
cocaine under a bedroom sink in a a con-
ard Duane Carlton and his wife, Auria Maria
to the 9-1-1 operator
cealment container disguised as an Ajax
Carlton, both 42 and Tyler Jordan Dipolita,
50 years experience
that his sister had ran
container, and a bag of cocaine in a dresser
21. During the search, everyone inside the
out of the house yell-
drawer containing men’s clothing in the
residence, the Carltons, Dipolita, and a juve-
Wood Products Division
ing that her father, Gary
closet. Numerous digital scales were found
nile, were detained in the living room.
Denning, had injured
on the bedside table on the side of the bed
Mr. Carlton told two of the depu-
the family dog with a
where Mr. Carlton said he sleeps. A medi-
ties that he had cocaine inside a compart-
Enviro Group of Florida, Inc.
cation bottle with no label was also found
ment in his headboard, and deputies would
Upon arrival deputies saw Den-
inside the headboard compartment that con-
“only find a little bit of cocaine, marijuana,
Continued on page 3 - Drug Arrests
and Lortabs” the report stated, “approxi-
Continued on page 2 - Dog Killed