PAGE 10 - May 20, 2015
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
New Amvets Officers Installed
Spaghetti Supper at Peace Lutheran
For a great family night out, Peace Lutheran Church will again be serving a deli-
cious spaghetti supper, from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 22. The menu includes a
salad, `al dente' spaghetti with an authentic sauce, meatballs or sausage, beverage, and a
large variety of desserts. For more information call 352-489-5881.
Eastern Star Spaghetti Dinner
Come join us for our annual sumptuous 3 course spaghetti dinner with all the fix-
ings, Saturday, May 23rd at the Dunnellon Masonic Lodge 20751 Powell Rd. Dunnellon.
Serving from Noon to 4PM. Tickets available at the door only $8.00 for Adults and $4.00
for children. Please call Ann Morin 352-446-4928 or Susan Bingham 352-615-6525 for
Levy Tourist Dev. Council Meeting
The Levy County Tourist Development Council will meet as follows:  What:
Regular Bi-monthly meeting. When: Thursday, May 28th, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Where:
620 N Hathaway Avenue, Bronson, FL (U.S. Alt. 27). (Levy County Road Dept. Office
Building) Meeting is open to the public. Please call if there are any questions concerning
the above: (352) 486-3396.
Tour of State Archives
On Wednesday, May 27, 2015, the Levy County Historical Society has planned a
one day trip to the Florida State Archives and Library in Tallahassee. While at the Archives,
Elections were held Saturday at the Inglis William Crow Am Vet Post 447. Commander Joe
the group will tour "behind the scenes" conducted by one of the Florida State Archivists.
Hozian (3rd from right back row) swore in the newly elected 2015-2016 cast of officers
The purpose of the tour is introduce researchers to the records the Archives collects. Res-
and trustees. Bill Kennedy (in front of the US flag), a lifelong resident and former business
ervations can be made by calling Toni Collins, Director of the Levy County Historical
man was elected to lead the post into a new year. Other officers elected were First Vice Ron
Society, at (352) 490-5636.
Gagliano, Second Vice Barbara Roberts, Adjutant none, Public Relations Officer Bernard Gray,
Bingo Ends for the Summer
Finance Officer Chuck Cassady, Judge Advocate Jim Webber, Provost Marshall David Bryne,
A reminder, Bingo at the Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club will have the last
Chaplain Chuck Pickett, Quartermaster Russ Konold, Historian Jim Hines, 6 Trustees Dick Rob-
games on Thursday, May 28th. This gives our volunteers a chance to rejuvenate over the
erts, Dump Land, Lloyd Rosson, Richard Coffman, Ed Lincoln and Kenny McCabe. Post 447 has
summer before games begin again in September. The Woman's Club would like to say
a full schedule of functions seven days a week and you are invited to take part. Photo/story
THANK YOU to all those who come to Bingo, buy tickets for "Bingo Baskets".
by Sally Price.
Vacation Bible School at Parsons Memorial
Activities at Inglis AmVets
Parsons Memorial Presbyterian Church will be having Vacation Bible School
William Crow AmVets Post 447 is located at 405 E. Hwy. 40 in Inglis, FL; phone
on two Saturdays this summer. The first Sat. will be June 20th from 10am to 1pm. We are
352-447-4473. We're open 7 days weekly, 12:00-9:00 pm. Kitchen hours are 12:00-7:00
asking the children to bring there spare change for our mission on hunger. Our second Sat.
pm, with daily specials, and on Sundays only, open for breakfast, 9:00-11:00 am. Tickets
on July 18th from 10-1. So mark your calendars for the fun. snack. It is for ages 3-12. There
are on sale, daily, for our weekly Queen of Heart Drawing held on Sundays at 6:15 pm.
will be crafts, bible story, recreation, music and a small We are at Parsons Memorial Pres-
Weekdays, excluding holidays, we hold a seat number drawing for a free drink at 4:00,
byterian Church at 5850 Riverside Dr. Yankeetown by the Coast Guard Station. For More
5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 pm! QUALIFIED GUESTS ARE WELCOME; please contact the Post
info call 352-489-5274
at 352-447-4473 for details. On WILD WEDNESDAYS, enjoy 50 cents wings, all day and
Card Games at 6:00 pm. On THIRSTY THURSDAYS, well drinks and domestic beers
Lions Club Seeking New Members
The Inglis Yankeetown Lions Club is seeking civic-minded men and women to
are $1.50, and our Weekly Drawing is held at 5:00 pm (win- ner takes 80%). On RED
join them in making a difference in the community. "Our club gives members an opportu-
SHIRT FRIDAY, all day, wear a Red Shirt, bring two non-perishible food items for our
nity to advance worthy causes, serve with friends, and become leaders in the community.
food bank, and your second drink is FREE; then at 6:00 pm, play "Show Me the Money."
This club means a lot to our Lions, but it means so much more to the people we serve," said
SATURDAY, play Double-Bonus "Show Me the Money" at 6:00 pm. SUNDAY: breakfast
Club President Doug Dame. Call (352) 505-7936 and leave a message
is served 9:00-11:00 am, Karaoke with Cowboy Al 3:00-7:00 pm, and at 6:15 pm, we hold
The Newscaster
our weekly Queen of Heart DRAWING, over $19,000! MONDAY, May 25 is MEMORIAL
DAY, with a Flag Ceremony at 11:00 am, followed by ham- burgers and hotdogs for a mon-
Serving Inglis, Yankeetown, Dunnellon, Crystal River, Homosassa, Invernes
etary donation. T-U-E-S-D-A-Y is B-I-N-G-O, Bingo, Bingo at 5:00 pm; the PowerBall is
ADDRESS: 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, FL 34446
over $100!
"Doug" Claytor, 68,of Inglis  passed away on Tuesday,
PHONE: (352) 489-4588  FAX: (352)727-362-4788
Sally Price, Realtor
Charles Douglas "Doug" Claytor, 68,  Inglis, Florida he Newscaster
(352) 302-8556 cell
EMAIL: (Tom) &
May 12, 2015 at Munroe Regional Medical Center in Ocala, Florida. Doug was born on
Hometown News for the Nature Coast  ACRES ROSE AVE/OUR RD $24,900
Wednesday, September 18, 1946 and raised in Lebanon Station, Florida. He retired from
Florida Rock Industries as a heavy equipment at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
3 nice lots together that border between
Doug, who was of the Christian faith, is survived by his 093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
5 wife of fourty years, Di-
Rose Ave and Our Rd Inglis. (south on
ane Yaws Claytor; daughter Trina George (Brendan), son Bubba Claytor (Kassidi), and five Fax: (727) 362-­4788
Phone: (352) 489-­4588
Cove Rd by AMVETS, left on Rose/
grandchildren: Tucker, Madison, Emma, Lindsey and Mazen.l,Doug wasssell, Puinlisher:
Emai Tom Ru preceded b death
by his son, Sidney Claytor.
Our Rd to end.) Enter from either side.
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Doug's Visitation was held from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on Friday, May 15,
Plenty of trees but not overgrown.
The Funeral Service was held at 11:00 am on Saturday, May 16, with Brother Cleve Wat-
Each lot is 124.46 by 349.20. Make an
kins officiating. Interment at the Cedars of Lebanon Cemetery in Inglis, Florida.(Direc-
offer.... Need listings of homes, mobile
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
tions: take U.S. Highway 19 to approximately six miles north of County Road 40 to SE
homes and vacant lots.
147th Place; turn east, opposite Florida Sheriffs Caruth Camp, and follow road to cem-
The Pizza JoinT
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
on & Bonnie's Burgers & BBQ
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
State License #SA0111728