The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - April 8, 2015
New Commission Takes Oath
Searching For The Truth
Where Have All  their dead. Even
the Graves Gone??
Humans have always buried
Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon Man (people alive shortly
after the flood of Noah who found shelter within caves)
buried their dead along with valuable tools and artifacts.
This tells us two important things about human history.
· First, people have always had knowledge that
this life is not all there is. From the ancient Egyptians
and Chinese to current "stone age" tribes in New Guinea,
humans prepare their loved ones for the life after death by
burying them along with treasured possessions.
· Second, humans could not possibly have been
around for 50,000+ years. Let's assume evolution is true
and ancient humans have been burying their dead since
time supposed (and inaccurate) time of the Neanderthals
The Newscaster
(50,000 years ago) [Note; Neanderthals and Cro-magnon man were just people living
in caves during the ice age - about 4000 years ago.] Homosassa, Florida 34446
5093 S. Orwell Pt.,
· Assume that for mostPhone: fictional 50,000 years the entire world popu-
of these (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Email, Tomlation averaged only half a million humans.
Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor: d
· Assume these "primitive" humans had an average life span of 50 years.
Websites: · · history.newscasterarchives.c
Even using these extremely conservative numbers, there should be 500 MILLION
The Newscaster
Stone Age graves out there someplace! Yet, only a few thousand are known to exist.
This is simply because mankind has been on this planet for a few thousand
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
years. We can understand why so few graves are found when we understand that the
Phone: (352) 489-­4588 Fax: (727) 362-­4788
April 1,Email, Tom Russeofficialslin her:recent  office by
2015 newly elected ll, Pub is the thenews aster1 were sworn into
Bible is the true history of the world.
Levy County iSheriff bie Russell, Editor:
Bobby McCallum. Taking the oath of office are new mayor Drinda Merritt
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching...
Ema l, Deb
and new councilVisit us on the Web: wwwTheAppointmentsrwere made for the upcom-
members Betsy Webb and Pat Tully. Newscaste .com
­ 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)
  
ing year. Chairman and conducting the town meetings will be Mayor Merritt with Commissioner
Based on, Inspired Evidence   BruceMalone,2011     
 a book by      
Webb taking Vice Chairman when the mayor is not available. Roads, bridges, maintenance and
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement   
    
water will be under Commissioner Ann Morin. Commissioner Pat Tully will be over fire, law
Contact Bob at    
  
enforcement and report on the planning commission. Health, welfare, recreation and the river
Inglis Homeowners 
Grant Money Available
will be the responsibility of Commissioner Betsy Webb. Commissioner Steve Kesterson will
retain financial responsibility of the town along with code enforcement and zoning. Photo/
   
story by Sally Price.
The Town of Inglis is seeking applicants in a Community Development Block
Grant Housing Rehabilitation Program to assist homeowners with repairs. This program is
designed to perform general code related repairs and improvements for very low, and low
and moderate income homeowners. Items eligible for repair include roofs, heating systems,
plumbing, electrical, and other code related housing systems at no cost to home owners.Cur-
rently the Town has funds available to assist a limited number of home owners.
Personal In-­Home Inspections:
If you would like more information or be considered for possible assistance, you
should attend a home owners meeting WEDNESDAY APR 8 at 3 PM in the Town of Inglis
Weekly Bi-­Weekly Monthly Plus!
Commission Room 135 Hwy 40 W Inglis.
Lawn Mowing & Maintenance
Lake Rousseau Herbicide Application
 Schedule
Home Repairs & Remodeling
During the weeks through April 24, 2015, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
tion Commission will be conducting aquatic weed control operations in Lake Rousseau us-
Handyman Services
ing EPA approved herbicides. Water lettuce will be maintained usingherbicides
 the  Clipper
and Reward. Any floating tussocks that are blocking established navigation routes or
  hang-
Pressure Washing
   
SINCE 2007
ing on channel markers will also be sprayed.
There is no restriction  waters for recreational activities such as
 on the use of treated 
Custom Woodworking & Relaminate
fishing or swimming.    
Water treated with Reward should not be used for domestic purposes or irrigation
for 5 days, for livestock or domestic animals for 1 days and drinking water for 1 day (does
not apply to tap or well water).
Clipper treated areas have a 5 day irrigation restriction on ornamentals grown in
greenhouses or nurseries. treatments 
 Scheduled   may be delayed due to adverse environmen-
Free Boat Safety Check Sticker
tal conditions.
   
If your boat passes the check April 11, 2015 12 to 3 pm. Bring your boat, equipment and
If these invasive plants are not controlled, recreational activities, navigation, flood
registration to Captains Cove Outfitters 39 Hwy 40, Inglis. Just west of the the light at
and fish wildlife populationsbe negatively more
control   and may  impacted. For  information
 
US 19 - Sponsored by US Coast Guard Aux. Flotilla 15-02 Yankeetown
contact 352-726-8622.
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