US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Wednesday April 28, 2010
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
With Sally Price
A Tea Party May be
Coming to Inglis
At the  April 13
meeting of the Inglis com-
mission we heard the first
about new rules changes at town meet-
ings: Resolution R2-10 Ref Meeting Pro-
cedures (Mayor Lake). It made me realize
that many citizens are being paralyzed not
only by economic depression and unem-
ployment but by taxes, assessments and
franchise fees by a town government and
that rules are now being made to silence
the public.
R2-10 will stifle the public and
chomp away at freedom of speech. The
Resolution creates new rules for the town
commission to handle the public’s busi-
ness in an orderly and dignified manner.
The presiding officer will be
in control of all meetings. The the town
commission MAY (not Shall) designate a
portion of each regular meeting for pub-
lic comment relevant to the business or
As the new Barge Canal bridge is in full use, a fast paced effort is underway to demolish the old bridge serving the area almost a half century
affairs of the Town and limited to three
so that the additional new section can be completed. The grassy slopes of the old bridge that have served many kids and adults over the years
minutes. Any person wishing to address
will be replaced with retaining walls on the new structure. These grassy slopes are the nearest to snow skiing many of us will ever see. Many
the commission must submit a written re-
of us adults entertained our children and their friends (as well as ourselves)with a large piece of card board and sliding down the steep slopes.
quest to the Town Clerk prior to the start
New Use for an Couple arrested at motel meth
New Use for an old bridge, Citrus County is currently stockpiling the debris for fishing reefs in the gulf, see story below.
of the meeting. Forms will contain name,
address, phone #, matter of subject, dated
& signed. All materials will be GIVEN
lab in Homosassa
Old Bridge
When called on step to podium, state
name, address, identify any group or or-
As the new Barge Canal bridge is
large bottle of liquid drain
Two people were arrested at the
ganization you may represent, succinctly
in full use, a fast paced effort is underway
Bella Oasis Motel in Homosassa, April 22,
state their position regarding the item.
to demolish the old bridge serving the area
One of the de-
after deputies found a mobile methamphet-
The presiding officer is empowered to or-
almost a half century so that the additional
putes found several items
amine lab in their room.
der from the room anyone not abiding by
new section can be completed. According
inside a purse that con-
A canine deputy located the lab in
these rules or his request.
to Tracey Ivkovic, Grant Administrator, Cit-
tained Bresnanhan’s iden-
room 118, and other deputies came to the
The Chief of Police or member
rus County Aquatic Services, much of the
tification: a small piece of
scene where Tony Nicholas Trail, 30, 5531
of the dept. as may be designated, carry
old bridge coming down will become part
straw, two small baggies,
S. Victoria Pt., Homosassa, was arrested
Continued on page 4 - Squawk Box
of the Citrus County Artificial Reef, “Fish
and a white piece of fold-
on charges of manufacturing methamphet-
Adopt A Pet
Haven #1” located approximately 24 miles
ed paper that contained a
amines and possession of unlawful listed
off shore. Tracey said, “we have applied for
white residue.
chemicals (bond $20,000) and Rebecca Ann
Next week P.2
a grant through Florida Fish and Wildlife
Bresnanhan, 29, 3792 W. Glenn St., Lecanto
Commission to deploy up to 3000 tons of
found a grocery bag in
was charged with possession of parapherna-
the  toilet  tank,  which
lia (bond $500).
The amount of materials deployed
contained coffee filters,
Sometime before 3:00 a.m., depu-
will depend on funds received and how
a Sprite bottle and a Ga-
ties read Trail his rights, and he agreed for
many tons can be deployed for the dollars
torade bottle. The items
deputies to search the motel room.
available.” Tracey said much has been added
were submerged in the
Inside a cooler, deputies found
to the permitted reef site over time coming
water and completely satu-
two hydrochloric gas generators (one which
from many places including from the old
rated. When the coffee fil-  Bresnanhan
field-tested positive for methamphetamines),
bridges at Hwy 44 and Hwy 41 crossing the
ters were unrolled, a white
a can of Coleman fuel, coffee filters, two
Withlacoochee River, old Cedar Key Bridge
cans of starter fluid, a large container of salt,
residue was found.
and some from Progress Energy. The loca-
ice packs, a small Tupperware container that
When Trail was interviewed by a
contained a white powdery substance and a
Continued on page 3 - New Use
Continued on page 4- Meth Bust