The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - March 25, 2009
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
A Guest Commentary by Dawn Clary
It has been a phenomenal week. All six of the ballot items on the Comprehensive Plan
The pieces of the puzzle are starting to make sense
Amendment passed. As I understand it, the Comp Plan amendment will now be sent back to
the Department of Community Affairs after an adoption hearing by the town council which
and boat slips. Mr. Haines recently completed
A Guest Commentary by Sally Price
was scheduled for Monday the 24th, and hopefully this will get us back on track. The amend-
construction of a 450 foot long walkway con-
The Yankeetown government is
ment has been under construction for 2 years. Congratulations to Larry Cohan and Ed
necting Chambers Island North with Cham-
wasting no time implementing its grand de-
Candela who have both worked so hard on this as have many others.
bers Island South which seemed to most at
sign for your fair town now that its Amended
25 of our citizens received some very good news this week which was totally unex-
the time to be a big investment without a pur-
Comp Plan has received approval by the vot-
pected. Forum Architects LLC, most often represented here by Pete Spittler, has dropped their
pose. He also just applied for a dredging per-
ers on the March 19 Referendum. But wait,
law suit which alleged that these individuals interfered with the business and contractual
mit and will have to show a ‘public use or
not so fast. What did the voters actually ap-
relationship Forum had with Izaak Walton Investors, to supply services for developing IWI's
purpose’ in order to qualify for the dredging
prove, 6 questions that made absolutely no
water front project along the Withlacoochee River. Involvement with a group called SWAY
permit. What better way to achieve this re-
sense to anyone I discussed them with but
(Save the Withlacoochee and Yankeetown) which Forum claimed had conspired to stop IWI's
quirement than to have his buddies at town
its author, Hometown Democracy specialist
development, seemed to be the major complaint in the suit. However, this week Forum re-
hall buy Chambers Island North with grant
and town attorney Ralf Brookes? I conducted
quested that the US District Court for Northern Florida dismiss the case with prejudice.
money secured by the town. What better way
my own little survey and found that not one
Dismissal with prejudice means that Forum cannot sue these people again for the same issues.
to show the ‘public use or purpose’ for the
person I spoke with had the vaguest idea what
The court very quickly agreed with the request and Judge Stephan P. Mickle signed the order
dredging than to provide public access to the
the Referendum would mean for the town in
dismissing the case on March 19th ending a year and a half siege. Forum cited the results of
town’s new park (Chambers Island North)
terms of change or for that matter what was
the last election of Town Council members as a reason for dropping the case.
while at the same time providing access to his
even in the Amended Comprehensive Plan
The suit at one time included 29, approaching 5% of the town's citizens and a much
Chambers Island South development and
that was just approved by a 2 to 1 margin!.
larger percentage of the town's government, accusing at the time, 3 Town Council members, 1
have the taxpayers pay for it. Of course, Mr.
One person in my survey said, “It
former Town Council member, the Mayor, the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commis-
Haines anticipated more than 6 years ago that
stopped IWI from developing it's project”.
sion, a member of the Board of Adjustment, the Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, a
he would need variances from the town for
Wrong. The IWI development project was
member of the Board of Trustees, a member of Storm Water Committee, our books auditor, two
such a large development so he has made lots
not affected by the Referendum or the
fire fighters, one former fire fighter and a P&Z volunteer. The suit also included several
of friends on the town council, planning and
Amended Comprehensive Plan. The IWI de-
individuals who were not affiliated with the town, some appeared to have no involvement at
zoning commission as well as the board of
velopment project will be decided by the
all and it was a complete mystery as to why they were even mentioned. Over time three
adjustments by providing free legal services
courts or the economy. The real impact of the
individuals, a local realtor, his wife and a former firefighter, were dropped from the suit by
to members all three groups in its struggle to
Referendum and the Amended Comprehen-
Forum although no reason was ever given as to why. Sadly one person Steve "Rocky" West,
defeat his competitor, IWI.
sive Plan will be felt by the residents, the very
passed away before the case was resolved.
Now, I finally got it. Mr. Haines, the de-
people that approved it, for many years to
For most normal people, their only experience with the legal system is a divorce and
veloper has invested lots of time and money
many have had none at all. It has been a real educational experience and insight into American
lobbying the town council, the zoning offi-
The ink is barely dry and Councilman
law. Hopefully the town can get back to normal and everyone can move on with their lives. It
cials and the planning and zoning commis-
Larry Feldhusen , Chairman of the Parks and
is spring after all, a time for new beginnings. Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary,
sion in order to move his development project
Recreation Committee has already called for a
Mayor of Yankeetown
forward. Mr. Haines, the attorney has pro-
meeting on March 24 to discuss the purchase
vided free legal services to members of the
Clubs in the Inglis Community Center
of Chambers Island North from Developer Tim
town council, the planning and zoning com-
Monday nights will have you in stitches at the Inglis Community Center. The Inglis Sew
Haines. Now that Mr. Haines can move for-
mission and multiple residents of Yankeetown
and Sew's Quilting Club meets every Monday night from 6pm-9pm. The Scrappers
ward with his proposed development of Cham-
including myself, in an effort to defeat a com-
Scrapbooking and Card Making Club meets the First and Third Monday nights from 7pm-
bers Island as a result of the passage of the
mon foe (IWI) and in order to receive a favor-
9pm. Come on out and explore a new craft or revisit an old hobby. Either way, it is a great night
Referendum (Amended Comp Plan) why would
able response from these different groups for
out for what has turned out to be a a quite popular "Hen Party". Please contact Drinda Merritt
he want to sell part of it? Or for that matter,
his own Chambers Island development
for the Quilting Club at 352-447-3585 after 6pm and on weekends or for scrapbooking, call
why does the town need another park at a
Valarie Davenport at 352-447-3323 for more information. There is something for everyone at
time when it should be concerned with other
Over 22 of these people represented
every level, from novice to expert.
much more important issues like potable wa-
free by Haines and the Yankeetown insurance
ter. Then I remembered what Rebecca Jetton
firm Bell and Roper were never elected or ap-
said to me about a year ago while we were on
pointed to anything in Yankeetown govern-
Sunrise Outpost
a boat ride at the mouth of the Withlacoochee
ment during the time the 28 of us were sued
River with Ed Candela, and Pat Candela. Dur-
for. We were all represented free by Haines
Home of Unusually Fine Barbecue
ing that ride, Jetton said to me, “Tim Haines
and the town insurance company at a cost in
6027 Hwy. 40 W, Yankeetown, Fl 352-447-5655
will need to find public parking for his devel-
my opinion I call “payback time” to Haines to
OPEN: FRIDAY - SUNDAY - 11:30 am - 8:00 pm
opment in order to get it approved”. Later,
get his development approved. You just voted
GRAND OPENING of our KAYAK Sales & Rentals
Larry Cohan , Chairman of the Planning and
on the changes needed to give Haines the
Sunday, March 29
Zoning Commission said, “ Tim Haines said
green light with Yankeetown’s blessings for
he is going to donate Chambers Island North
what I considered an illegal act of representa-
We’ll be Having Eco Tours & Guided Trips - Group Packages Available
to Yankeetown as a park" for mitigation to
tion of town folk on the town insurance plan
All-You-Can-Eat SHRIMP BOIL - 3:30-7:30 pm
develop the rest.
and proving a major conflict of interest for
Shrimp Supplied by Star Seafood, Yankeetown
Now the pieces to this puzzle are
Haines who needed your vote for Referen-
Live Music by “Just Us 4” - Bring Your Lawn Chair...!
starting to make sense. Tim Haines will need
dum approval and this new Chambers North
DOOR PRIZE: RENT 1 Kayak & Get 2nd Rental FREE!
final approval from Yankeetown to develop
park plan which are all that was needed to
Chambers Island South as a “Bonita Club”
seal Tim Haines' development on Chambers
REDEEM THIS COUPON through 5-29-09:
styled development, complete with a lodge
Paid Announcement Paid for and Approved by the Author
Shannon Adams,Realtor
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