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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday February 22, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Visit our website: http://thenewscaster.com
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
With Doug Johnston
I dislike February.
It is a short, stubby, ugly lit-
tle month that doesn’t even
know how many days it is
supposed to have. This year
it has 29, it usually has 28
and even that is too long.
is over in February and baseball season
hasn’t started. Oh sure, we have basket-
ball but who really watches basketball un-
til March Madness begins. The best you
can hope for in February is some good re-
plays on ESPN Classic and I really don’t
get into watching games from the past.
Mother Nature feels sorry for
February. She gives her a few warm days
and we all start to think that winter is over.
We say, “gosh, we barely had a winter
this year. Spring has arrived early”. Thats
when February gives us a rude awaken-
ing (see picture on page 1). It deals us a
winter blast that kills all the new growth
Every Saturday morning at 9 AM a bunch of die hard talented musicians take to the sidewalk in front of Kim’s Cafe ll in Homosassa near Publix to
share their talents and love of music with the public. Good ole time music including singing entertains those that pass by and those that bring a
that has popped up all over our lawns and
folding chair and settle back for several hours of fun loving music. Pictured above : Annie Osborn/banjo, Lulu & Royce Perkins/fiddle & mandolin,
in our forests. February even deceives
Red Layton/bass fiddle, Bill Bates/guitar, Dale Parsons/fiddle, Henry Trapp/guitar, Wes StOnge/guitar, Jersey Jim/guitar. Some of these music lov-
Mother Nature just as it deceives us. Re-
ers also play at the Crystal River VFW every Thursday from 3-7 and Turtle Creek Campground every other Friday night. Newscaster Photo/Sally Price
birth of our plant systems must start again.
Levy Deputy Stops Fugitive, armed career criminal,
All the new growth on our trees and flow-
ers is killed. Another round of pollen, oh
yes, that is another byproduct of what my
during traffic stop
Burglary in
Mama used to call “false Spring”.
What holidays do we have in
From Citrus County Sheriff
February? In November we have Thanks-
at a red traffic light. The deputy activated his
During what might have been con-
giving and Christmas is such a wonder-
emergency equipment and stopped the truck
sidered a routine traffic stop on Feb. 11, a
ful time of year then a week later we
From Levy Co. Sheriff Dept.
in a parking lot near 3404 N. Lecanto Hwy.
fugitive from Massachusetts was taken into
celebrate New Years Day. We almost hate
On  February  2,
Hayes, the driver, provided a Mississippi
custody, “Once again proving thereís no
to see those special holidays pass and
2012, the Levy County Sher-
driver’s license. His passenger gave her
such thing as a routine traffic stop,” said Gail
what does February offer for an encore?
iff s Office received a com-
name as Lena M. Tobey. While the deputy
Tierney, Public Information Officer with the
Groundhog Day.
plaint of a burglary in prog-
wrote Hayes a citation for the driving in-
Citrus County Sheriff s Office. Tierney said
We do have Valentines Day in
ress at a Williston home.
fraction, a teletype check of Hayes’ driver’s
the man arrested during the traffic stop, 31
February. That is the day when men are
Upon Deputy Kevin Kinik’s
license showed that he had an arrest war-
year-old William Arthur Hayes, Jr. is classi-
reminded at some point during the day
arrival he observed the sus-
rant from Barnstable County, Massachusetts
fied as an armed career criminal.
of the 14th that either flowers, candy, a
pect, twenty-five year old
that had been issued on Jan. 20, 2012, on a
The traffic stop took place around
card, jewelry or all of the above should
Kathryn Jane Shroka of Morriston climbing
charge of aggravated battery with a firearm.
3:45 p.m. in Beverly Hills, after a deputy
be purchased to keep peace in their loving
out a window. Shroka had stolen items in her
According to his arrest report,
noticed that a white Ford Ranger, traveling
Continued on page 3 - Squawk Box
Continued on page 3- Fugitive Arrest
Continued on page 2 - Burglary in Progress
south on N. Lecanto Hwy., had failed to stop