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Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday February 18, 2015
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Citrus County CERT Team
finds missing person
According to the Media Divi-
sion of the Citrus County Sheriff s Office,
the training director of the Citrus County
Community Emergency Respone Team
(CERT Team) was at the Manatee Fes-
tival in Crystal River on Jan. 17 when a
member of the Key Training Center went
missing. The Director was notified of the
missing person. Because of his trainig and
the assistance of CERT Team members,
the person they were looking for was lo-
cated within five minutes of the director
being notified.
Open House at WTC
You're Invited!  Come to the
Career Expo and Open House at Withla-
coochee Technical College Acquire the
Skills You Need for an Exciting Ca-
reer in Less Than a Year!  Anyone in-
terested in attending WTC and starting
an exciting new career What: Meet the
instructors, tour the program and shop
areas, ask questions  When: Thursday
March 5, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Saturday afternoon Lu, the adorable hippo at the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, was in rare form for Valentine's Day. Lu
Where: WTC, 1201 W. Main Street, In-
was showing off for the many visitors who loved the antics. One young child spotted Lu's two foot in diameter ball and said "look at that hip-
Give Blood ­ Give Life; Our Lady of
popotamus egg". An older child set the record straight saying Lu was a mammal and gave live birth and that was Lu's ball. This semi aquatic
mammal lives in the water and on land. They average 5 foot tall at the shoulders and 11 to 17 feet in length. Average life span in the wild is
Grace-K of C Council 6168 Blood Drive,
40-50 years and near 60 in captivity. Lu just turned 55 in January. Photo story by Sally Price
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Inmate arrested when crack
Drone  operators
The next  blood drive spon-
sored by Our Lady of Grace-K of C
Council 6168 blood ministries is sched-
could be subject to
cocaine found at Lecanto jail
uled for Saturday March 21, 2015, from
8:00AM to 1:00PM at Our Lady of Grace
fines in Manatee
Parish Life Center at 6 Roosevelt Blvd.
be tested. Later in the evening, the manager
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Beverly Hills.
was informed that the substance tested posi-
In addition to the special break-
A drug investigation, Feb. 12, at
tive for cocaine.
fast there will be tokens of appreciation
the Citrus County Detention Facility in
Higgins stated that she was given
for all donors. If there are any questions
Lecanto, ended with and inmate being ar-
the contraband by another fe-
From Crystal River NWR
call Life South at 352-537-3061.
rested on possession of a controlled sub-
male inmate who'd arrived at
As part of its ongoing management
Two ways
stance (0.5 gram crack cocaine) and delivery
the jail two nights previously.
activities at Crystal River National Wildlife
of a controlled substance (0.5 gram crack
She said the remainder of the
Refuge and Three Sisters Springs, the U.S.
cocaine). Her total bond was set at $7,000.
to Place Ads
contraband was worth $40.
Fish and Wildlife Service's refuge managers
According to the report, the in-
Higgins claimed that the other
this week intended to remind operators of
Use our website to order
cident took place at 2:22 pm, as a female
inmate had swallowed the rest  Higgins
unmanned aircraft and helicopter pilots that
correctional officer was putting medical in-
of the contraband, which was
they could be subject to fines if the opera-
mates back to their pods and saw Higgins
a classified ad
worth $60, then asked her to say that she
tion of these aircraft unlawfully disrupted
hand over contraband to inmate Krystel Fox
found it in the recreational yard. Higgins
wildlife on the refuge. Crystal River Na-
through the food slot in Pod Three of Charlie
You can now place classified print ads on
said that she told the inmate no, but the oth-
tional Wildlife Refuge and Three Sisters
er inmate told her that she would deny any
our website:
Springs together are part of an urban wild-
The unit manager instructed the
knowledge of it because they could not find
life area home to the West Indian manatee, a
officer to take the contraband to the Medi-
You can also place classified ads at
anything on her or prove that she'd brought
range of migratory birds and other wildlife.
cal Unit, so a nurse could identify what ap-
the Food Ranch Service Desk - 25
it into the jail.
Helicopter pilots and unmanned aircraft
peared to be a broken pill. The medical unit
Inmate Fox told investigators, that
words/$12. New deadline: Monday 12
flying low over these lands and  waters in
was unable to identify the item, and a search
earlier in the day when she was on her way
noon at the Inglis Food Ranch service Desk.
Kings Bay can disturb wildlife, and refuge
of Charlie Unit turned up nothing. An inves-
to the Medical Unit, inmate Catherine Ham-
Cash or Check.
tigator was given the contraband so it could
Continued on page 3 - Drones
Continued on page 3 - Inmate