The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - December 31, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
A Guest Commentary by Dawn Clary
Letter to the Editor:
Yankeetown is on a roll! The Department of community Affairs (DCA) has agreed to
Re: Governor’s Appointment to the County Commission
the Stipulated Settlement Agreement (SSA) which has been hammered out over the last few
months to bring our submitted Comprehensive plan amendment into full compliance. You
I recently read a couple of articles about the possible appointments for the Board of
may remember that the Comp Plan amendment, which has been in the works for almost two
County Commissioners. I noticed there were several names of highly qualified individuals. I
years, needed some changes. The amendment was undertaken by the Planning and Zoning
also noticed there were several individuals that did not live in those two respective Districts.
Commission under the protection of the moratorium, to update our Comp Plan as it had not
If the Governor appoints someone for these two respective Districts who lives outside the
been reviewed in many years. The SSA is an agreement between the town and the DCA that
respective Districts this might raise a few questions.
if the town makes certain changes to the amendment, it will correct the problem. These changes
By all appearances the Statutes and Ordinances dictate that a person serving on the
are called Remedial Amendments. In our case the remedial changes correct such things as
Commission must reside in that particular District. If the Governor appoints someone who
consistency in the level of service of roads, addressing the storm water issue and better
does not live in either of those Districts does that mean the Governor has the power to
population data. Now the town council will move forward with hearings on the adoption of the
circumvent the law? If he does this would it mean that when election time comes around
remedial amendments. This is really good news and the culmination of much hard work on the
anyone in the County, whether or not they live in a particular District, can run for any District
part of our Land Use Attorney, Ralf Brookes and our P&Z staff headed up by Larry Cohan.
in the County?
More good news! The new water plant passed its substantial completion walk down.
If the Governor appoints someone for these two positions outside the two Districts
The letter of substantial completion was presented by Beach Construction as promised and
would the door be left open for someone who lives in either of the two Districts to file suit
our design engineer gave the plant a scrupulous eyeball. The date for actual startup is
because of the appointments? Whatever the case may be it seems that it is high time that
January 12th, but I caution that we must be patient, with something this complicated, predic-
something happens or the Governor makes the appointments in order for Levy County to
tions are difficult.
have a full contingent of Commissioners. The three should not have to govern the County,
Special Thanx to Town Clerk Laura Coyle, who was scheduled to be on vacation the
even though they are doing a respectable job, without a full compliment of Commissioners.
week of Christmas but unfortunately our Deputy Clerk, Sharon Mudge, took suddenly ill.
Jerry Robinson, Williston
Laura graciously gave up her vacation to keep the office going. Yankeetown is lucky to have
Letter to the Editor: (A letter submitted as part of the scoping process of the NRC)
such a dedicated staff. We wish Sharon well.
Re: Progress Energy Units 1 & 2 NRC Scoping Hearing
I gave someone a tour of the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve a while back and on the
In reference to Progress Energy Florida, Inc's LWA and COL to build Units 1 and 2 of
way there I gave them a run down of the place. I mentioned that there had been a swimming
its LNP site, the following are considerations that must be addressed:
pool on the property once but the town had elected to fill it in with dirt. Unfortunately there
Whereas the Town of Inglis, FL lies less than five miles directly south of the proposed site,
was not enough thought given to adequate drainage and when it rains, well it was a swimming
and whereas the Town of Inglis is populated by approximately 1,700 residents, and whereas
pool and swimming pools are supposed to hold water so the poor thing kinda turned into a bit
the Inglis Police Department's budget is less than $400,000./yr with slightly less than 24/7
of a bog at times. I was telling them this to prepare them for what might be an odd sight. When
coverage, and whereas the Inglis Fire and Rescue Dept is solely staffed by volunteers with
we got there, water had indeed ponded in the pool area, and there were dozens of birds
old equipment, and whereas the demands on these two departments of the Town of Inglis will
splashing around taking little bird baths. It was, well... just beautiful. I guess the lesson was
be dramatically overburdened if such a permit is granted.
that even if you make a mistake, something good may still come of it. Even if you have a bog
As Town Commissioner, Police Commissioner, and Fire Commissioner I am the one
in 2008, don't give up, maybe it will become a bird sanctuary in 2009. Happy New Year! Good
person responsible to alert you to our gravest of concerns. I am a sitting member of the Levy
Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
County Energy Committee, and I have repeatedly exposed our fears to PEF at the monthly
Lake Rousseau herbicide treatments, Jan. 5-18
meetings. PEF has made no firm commitments to allay our fears.
Currently, less than 28% of the households in the Town of Inglis pay ad valorum
During January 5 - 18, the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis-
taxes. We are a very poor town, with extremely high unemployment, and a high percentage of
sion) will conduct aquatic weed control operations in Lk. Rousseau, using EPA (Environmen-
retirees. The burden of a sudden influx of workers and ancillary businesses to the area will
tal Protection Agency) approved herbicides, Reward and Glyphosate to control water hya-
overstress the aforementioned departments to a point of breaking. We simply will not be able
cinth and water lettuce, and to maintain boat trails. People using treated areas of the lake for
to protect and serve our current residents, nor the influx of people that these plants will bring
domestic purposes or irrigation are cautioned that in Reward treated areas: treated water
to our town, at the level of service that our residents have come to expect. The Town of Inglis
should not be used for a period of five days, no livestock watering for one day, and treated
is currently a one stop-light town. Our way of life will dramatically change, and we should not
water should not be used for drinking (does not apply to tap water) for two days; there are no
be expected to pay for the myriad changes that one company will immediately and forever
restrictions in Glyphosate treated areas. Sign posting treatment dates and restrictions will be
bring to us for their benefit. Our town is not even a part of their customer base.
posted in treated areas. Scheduled treatments may be delayed due to adverse environmental
The only possible scenario that would provide us with the capabilities to protect and serve
our residents at the current level, once this sudden change befalls us, would be if PEF sup-
The management and treatment of nuisance exotic vegetation is necessary to main-
plies us with a substantial amount of cash, before construction commences, to supplement
tain recreational activities and protect native plant habitat in Florida waters. For additional
our departments, and further, a yearly enforceable commitment to maintain the levels needed,
information, call the FWC Regional Biologist's Office at (352) 726-8622.
once they have been achieved.
Social Security adds a day to office in Citrus County
Furthermore, our road and maintenance departments will also be stressed beyond
their current capacity.
Social Security recipients will now have a second day a week in Citrus County to
It is imperative that these issues be resolved before PEF can be given a permit.
consult with agency officials. District Manager Adon Williams said from his Ocala, "In look-
Thank you for your considerations. Edward Michaels Town of Inglis Commissioner, Police
ing at ways to better serve the citizens of Citrus County and improve our service delivery to
Commissioner, Fire Commissioner
the Citrus County area, we are expanding the days of operation at the Citrus County Contact
Man Arrested for Otter Creek Break In
Station to Mondays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.” The office is located in the
county’s Resource Center between Lecanto and Beverly Hills off County Road 491 on Marc
Otter Creek - On December 26, 2008 Deputy Leroy Prine arrested Bryant Lomar Shaw
Knighton Court.
for armed burglary, grand theft and grand theft auto. Shaw forcibly entered a residence in
To make sure all clients have time to get their business finished, they must sign in by
Otter Creek and stole firearms, computers and a lawn mower valued at $ 3,500 dollars. The
3 p.m., Williams said. He said to save travel time to the Ocala office or time waiting to be seen
suspect was stopped just outside the city limits of Otter Creek and he was arrested for the
at the Citrus office - or spending spend time waiting to get through on the toll-free telephone
above charges. The suspect was driving a stolen truck from Dixie County and he was also
number - Social Security clients can also conduct business via online services at
charged for grand theft auto. The suspect admitted to the armed burglary and stated that he “We continue to look for ways to reduce service waiting times and
has a crack cocaine addiction. Shaw has been convicted 30 times on felony charges.
overall improvements of our service delivery,” he said.
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