PAGE 4 December 12, 2007
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
13th annual Food Ranch-Newscaster
Real Estate Today
Window Painting Sets New Record
Magical Places
A Guest Commentary by Darryl Diamond
proaching deer? Nope,it is my
bons. The judges also received a prize, a food
By Deborah Russell
This week I find myself deer hunt-
cell phone. It is Shirley A.
basket for Mayor Risher and a Food Ranch
Newscaster Editor
ing in western New York with 6 inches of snow
Dodge one of my team mem-
gift certificate for Mrs. Young. These prizes
on the ground all around me. It was 15 de-
bers who is covering the calls
Christmas Season is well underway
were provided by sponsors, Inglis Cemex
grees this morning, but as we go in to the
to the Inglis office. I call the cli-
in Inglis, as evidenced by the brightly col-
Quarry, Rood Ranch and The Newscaster.
afternoon it has warmed up to a balmy 30 de-
ent back and answer their im-
ored Christmas scenes painted , Saturday, on
Sixteen children up to the age of 3
mediate real estate related ques-
the Food Ranch windows in the 13th annual
participated by painting papers that were
For you non hunter types, 90% of
tions back in Inglis, and make an appointment
Food Ranch Holiday Window Painting Con-
placed on a board, but not involved in the
hunting for me is not to necessarily take a
to see them next week.
test. The traditional day started off crisp and
judging process. These paintings are dis-
deer, but to simply sit on a log on the top of a
Two other calls are handled on that
cool and quickly felt like a warm April day
played inside the store.
mountain looking out at the neighboring
mountain that day by cell phone with one
rather than an early day in December.
Entrants in this category and the let-
"hills" and think. Actually after several hours
being given back to Shirley to show property
Santa has always made himself
ter used to identify their drawing are: A-
of sitting quietly "still hunting" most hunters
that same day, and one showing being given
available for the children at the Food Ranch
Jacqueline Robertson , 3 months, Crystal River
like myself are actually meditating. For me this
to my wife Vicki to show property in Inglis
on the day of the window painting contest,
* B-Brandon Spears, 3, Inglis * C-Kamren
is one of my magical places in the world. I am
that day. One of the important things buyers
and he did not disappoint this year, although
Johnston, 3, Inglis * D-Jessa Wisnewski, 1 1/
meditating about how lucky I am to have all
and sellers have told me they want in a real
he said he'd recently been sick. Santa was
2, Crystal River * H-Thomas Goodlett, 1, Yan-
that I have in life. This includes my home in
estate professional, is 7 day availability.
feeling much better on Saturday and the chil-
keetown * M-Grace Lind, 2, Inglis * N-Hunter
Inglis, my wife Vicki, and all of the lovely
Well there you have it, with the oc-
dren visited with him and received a treat af-
Bell, 2, Inglis * P-Patrick Stewart, 3, Inglis *
friends, and neighbors we associate with in
casional situation being handled by cell phone
ter painting their windows.
Q-Chloe Holdren, 3, Inglis * R-Sandra Evers,
that small town. I also am mediating about
no matter where I happen to be physically, 7
A record was set, this year, for the
2, Inglis * S-Abbigail Dutkiewicz, 2, Inglis *
how fortunate I am to have competent team
day coverage is possible. Of course I have to
most entrants, ever, in the painting contest,
T-Alissa Millen, 2, Inglis * U-Danny Hughes,
members that run my business when I'm out
appreciate my team members for this "backup"
116! However, everyone was patient withThe
3, Inglis * V-Robert Hughes, 1, Inglis * W-
of the office, or in this case out of the state of
when ever I'm traveling. As for the deer, even
Newscaster staff, Sally Price, Tom Russell
Kayden Zimmerman, 3, High springs * X-T.J.
Florida. My meditation starts to focus on how
though there were lots of tracks in the snow
and Debbie Russell, who were attempting to
Phillips, 1, Inglis.
to improve my business as we go into the
they never showed up that day, but don't
dole out the paints, make more windows avail-
Ten children participated in the 4 to
new year, and I have some ideas come to me
worry starting next week I will be hunting back
able and register painters so that they received
5 age category: #4-Taylor Ryan, 5, Yankee-
on this mountain top that just don't seem to
in Inglis with my buddy Louis.
credit for their work. The painting contest
town * #15-Meadow Bell, 5, Inglis (3rd place)
materialize in a day to day work week situa-
Our new "state of the art" double
would not run as smoothly as it does, with-
- #19-Denny Samples II, 5, Inglis (2nd place)
tree stand is waiting for us just a little north of
out the help of Maria Goddard and her son,
* #68-Ryan Wildey, 5, Inglis (honorable men-
After returning to Inglis next week,
Inglis on the east side of #19. I will enjoy this
Justin Hitchcock, of Inglis, who help out ev-
tion) * #71-Lauren Johnston, 4, Dunnellon *
some of these ideas will be instituted by my
other "magical place" which is right here in
ery year, making the entire process much more
#73-Brittney Evers, 5, Inglis (1st place) * #78-
team of associates with the goal of being able
Inglis for the next few weeks along with the
Hunter Hughes, 4, Inglis * #95-DeLaney
to better serve my clients, and at the same
80 degree temperatures. If the buck show up
Much appreciation goes to the
Cowan, 4, Inglis * #101-Lisa Johnson, 4, Ing-
time have a more prosperous new year. As I
great, if not I'll just keep meditating.
judges who generously donated their time for
lis (on paper, inside the store) * and #102-
sit on my log meditating, enjoying the distant
I'll see you around "The Campus"
the difficult selection process. Inglis Mayor
Victoria Johnson, 4, Inglis (on paper, inside
mountain views, my trusty Remington 870
"The Diamond Team" is available for all of
Carolyn Risher and Yankeetown art instruc-
the store).
shotgun with scope at the ready, I hear a noise.
your real estate needs 7 days a week at 352-
tor Zula Young set about their task in a seri-
Twenty-three children participated in
Is it the crunching of snow signalling an ap-
ous manner, judging by numbers in each age
the 6 to 8 age category: #1-Emily Conway, 7,
Public Notice
group with the artist anonymous to them.
Inglis * #5-Lewis Funk, 8, Yankeetown * #8-
However, now that the judging is over, a list
Cassidity Royal, 6, Lecanto (honorable men-
Concerned Citizens Meeting On Mining
revealing the identities of the painters is
tion) * #12-Jennifer Lind, 6, Inglis (1st place)
Open to the Public - Sunday 2 PM
posted at the store, near the paintings, for the
* #14-Austin Berecz, 8, Inglis * #16-Summer
viewing pleasure of the Food Ranch shop-
Bell, 7, Inglis (3rd place) * #17-Naythan
Inglis Community Center
pers! The paintings will remain in place
Ramirez, 7, Inglis * #20-Kalynne Nickless-
For more Information contact Sally Price
throughout the holiday season.
Lord, 7, Inglis (2nd place) * #25-Sarah Coo-
The winners in each age group re-
per, 7, Inglis * #29-Ashley Royal, 8, Lecanto
at 352-302-8556
ceived cash prizes, $50 for 1st place, $25 for
* #31-Koal Simonds, 8, Inglis * #34-Kimberly
Paid Advertisement, Paid for and Approved by Sally Price
2nd place and $10 for 3rd place. All winners,
Evers, 8, Inglis * #59-Jacob White, 8, Inglis *
including honorable mentions, received rib-
Photos & Story Continued on page 11
Hickory Island Lighthouse Lounge
Sally Price, Realtor
(352) 302-8556 cell
"Preserving Florida's Southern Spirit"
Hickory Island
14 Hwy 40 W. Inglis (next to the Inglis Police Dept.)
Holiday Party Central
2/2 Nature Stilt Home HID N WOODS in Yankeetown C-1 or R-1........$225,000
*Daily Happy Hour - 3-7pm*
Gulf Hammock Mgmt. Area Hunt Camp, furnished - just move in........$39,500
2/1 Mobile newly remodeled, great woodwork, fenced, paved st ........$59,000
MON-254 Drafts
*$1 Wells * 504 Drafts *
3/2 Mobile on canal to river, corner lot, large oaks, workshop............. $139,000
TUES-Open Darts
*Burn the Keg! 254 Drafts*
2 Lots, Peaceful Acres, paved street, homes only, EACH..................... $23,000
WED-Open Pool
4.70 ac lot, high & dry, Citrus County hills & horse country.................$160,000
THURS-Band & Ladies Night
4.99 ac Lot between Palm & Mastadon paved street Inglis..................$79,900
Free Wells for all Ladies 9-12pm
5 AC ON WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER 1225' border Greenways/Trails..$300,000
FRIDAY-Band & 2-for-1
1 ac Mobile fixer up backs up to State Forest in Woodpecker Ridge....$45,000
Thursday, Friday
Jello Shots
Ozello waterfront cottage on 2 lots..below appraisal..great fishing.......$179,000
SAT-Band & 2-for-1 Jello Shots
& Saturday Nights!!
4/4.5 Executive home/getaway Crystal River waterfront 4 suites...........$649,000
SUN-Bucket Specials
Professional Bldg brick 7 spaces in Crystal River Historic District........$329,000
122 acres 400' on Pristine Wekeiva River Gulf Hammock 3/2 Home...... $1.2M
(352) 447-2520 26 US Hwy 19S - Inglis,Fl.
3/2 Pool Home on Withlacoochee River Inglis no bridges to Gulf.........$479,000