The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - October 28, 2009
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
A Guest Commentary by Dawn Clary
Letter to the Editor:
Legal Front – Forum Architects, Pete Spittler, has appealed the case against former
I am hoping that you can help me correct a statement that Sally Price reported in
Zoning Official Rebecca Jetton which had accused her of interfering with the business rela-
your October 21, 2009 issue of the Newscaster. She reported that I denied, under oath, com-
tionship between Forum and Izaak Walton Investors. The case was recently decided in her
municating with Rebecca Jetton, Yankeetown’s former zoning official, while Rebecca was
favor. The appeals process looks at whether the law and procedure were properly followed
reviewing the IWI applications.
in the case. It is not a retrial. At this time we do not have an indication as to what point or
Since I was perfectly within my rights as a town official to communicate with Ms
points they are appealing on. I would like to clear up one piece of misinformation which
Jetton, and I made a statement during my deposition that I had talked with Rebecca during
unfortunately was reported last week. The following statement made in an article concern-
her numerous visits to Yankeetown, I am hoping that you are willing to print a retraction that
ing our former council member Marsha Drew is not true. “a continuing effort on the part of
clears this matter up. I am pasting below an excerpt from my deposition taken on September
Drew to dismiss her involvement by denying under oath that she had any communications
15, 2009, page 38, lines 2-25. I think it is self explanatory.
with Rebecca Jetton during the time Jetton was reviewing IWI’s site plan applications.” A
Please keep in mind that this was almost 3 years ago and recalling specific con-
review of the legal documents does not bear this out and in fact Ms. Drew stated, under oath,
versations that took place in January of 2007 would be almost impossible for most people,
that she was sure that she had talked with her about it. Again I might point out that either
including myself. I appreciate your help with this matter.
way it has no bearing on the elements of the case but does give new meaning to the term
“beating a dead horse”.
Question: During the time that Rebecca spent with you either at the home next door or when
Nitty Gritty of Everyday Stuff - We made our last payment on the fire department
she stayed actually in your house did you discuss town business?
brush truck which was purchased three years ago in the heat of the flail that the town admin-
Answer: I’m sure we did.
istration was experiencing. Time flies. We were also able to close out the “bridge loan” on
Question: Can you recall what town business you discussed?
the new water plant. The loan was to provide for payments between the time work was per-
Answer: No, I can’t.
formed and the Department of Environmental Protection grant payments came in, hence the
Question: Can you recall whether you ever discussed the Izaak Walton investors project?
term bridge loan. In park news, Linda Cohan volunteered to close the WGP on week days to
Answer: Probably.
save the budget funds that would have been needed to hire someone to do it. In Water Plant
Question: But you have no specific recollection? Answer: No.
news, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection performed their first inspection
Question: How often was she in town? Answer: It varied.
of the water plant’s spray field since it went operational and we passed with flying colors.
Question: How long was Rebecca Jetton the big zoning official?
The inspection report found that we were in compliance with our permit requirements. The
Answer: I think about a year.
inspection covered several aspects of the facility including physical construction, mainte-
Question: During that year how many times did she stay either at your house next door or
nance and record keeping. .
at your house? Answer: I have no idea.
Happy Halloween – One explanation of its origin in the states is that it is a Gaelic
Question: Would it be more than 30 days? Answer: I don’t think so. More than one, less
holiday and was brought over by the Irish when the potato famine hit Ireland causing a
than 30.
massive immigration to America. It appears to have been a festival celebrating the seasonal
Marsha Drew, Yankeetown
change from summer to fall.
Super Congratulations to Hollie and Zula Young who have been Mr. and Mrs.
Young for 65 years. It is so romantic.
Deepest Sympathy – Our sympathy goes out to the family of Lonnie Parnell, our
water plant operator, and his family at the passing of his mother. Good Night and Good
Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
Inglis Man Arrested
Wayne Harry Moore, 51, 18831 S.E. 74th Ave., Inglis, was arrested by the Citrus County
Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 23, on a Citrus County writ of bodily attachment. He was transported
to the Citrus County Detention Facility where his cash purge was set at $3500.
Levy County’s Most Wanted, Oct. 26, 2009: Alan E. Haley, Inglis, white male, date of
birth Feb. 20, 1958, failure to appear - knowingly driving while license suspended or re-
voked, $10,000 bond.
Sally Price, Realtor
19 Hwy 40 W.
(352) 302-8556 cell
GREAT GETAWAY or weekend retreat with
large oaks on this .52 ac with mobile and ga-
rage in the heart of Crackertown Inglis. Older
mobile has a renter if you want to continue with
rental income. Great location for hunter, out-
door sports, kayak, canoe. boat or fisherman.
Hilton Cannon, lifelong resident of Inglis and Yankeetown enjoyed a surprise 58th
Close to salt and fresh water boat ramps, eques-
birthday party at Castaways recently. Hilton and his guide dog are very popular with friends
trian trails, bike path and 413 acre preserve.
he still enjoys company with. Due to a medical issue Hilton lost his sight but it has not af-
Older small mobile and garage/workshop/stor-
fected his spirit nor personality. At the party many friends from his work at Florida Power
age complete the package. Plenty of room for
(Progress Energy) turned out to help celebrate his birthday with lots of food, fun and laughs.
boat, RV or toy parking.
Pictured with Hilton at his party is Owner of Castaways Dave Finley who not only
worked at FPC with Hilton but was raised in Yankeetown where his parents owned Izaak
Several Nice Rentals Available W/Utilities Included
Walton Lodge.
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