PAGE 2 - January 12, 2011
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Committee to look into consolidated
Pet Patrol
Public Safety Dept.
The Citrus county commission on Dec. 21 directed County Administrator Brad
Thrope to create a plan for a blue ribbon committee to investigate the concept of combining
fire, EMS and law enforcement under a single department.
County officials had traveled to Broward County recently to look at that county s
consolidated Public Safety Department. Thorpe said that though first skeptical about the
idea, county officials had been impressed with what they had seen in Broward.
Thorpe will come back to the commission with a suggested format for the commit-
tee, which is expected to analyze how such a system could work in Citrus. Its recommenda-
tion would be used in considering alternatives for meeting service needs while dealing with
falling property tax revenues.
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson s aide s
hours set for February
Office hours for Digna Alvarez from U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson s office slated for Janu-
ary 11, have been canceled. Office hours for Citrus County residents will next be Tuesday,
February 8, from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at the Citrus County Resource Center.
“I am Missy, a beautiful little black
The center is located on 2804 W. Marc Knighton Court, off County Road 491 just
‘deer’ type Chihuahua with a dab of white
south of Beverly Hills. Alvarez will be on hand to assist anyone, including and particularly
“Taz is a sweet 10 yo tan Shih Tzu, house-
on my chest. I’m a wonderful, cuddly lap
those who need help with a federal issue, on behalf of the senator. For more information,
broken, loving, easy to care for, gets along
dog once I know you, about 6 #, 2 yo,
call 1-813-225-7040.
with other animals and people, Vaccines
Fire Service to host open houses
housebroken. I am very devoted, protective,
UTD, ID chipped. No known health prob-
for an adult home with NO children. Home
lems. Will you be the kind-hearted person
visits required prior to adoptions, available
Saturday to recruit volunteer firefighters
to provide a home, like you would want
to Citrus County and adjoining county areas,
for your pet? Owner is quite ill and hopes
The Citrus County Fire Service will host four simultaneous open houses around  only. See me at Pet Supermarket on Sunday,
 
that someone will give him a good home
Dec. 26th 12-2 PM. Phone A Humane So-
the county Saturday, Jan. 15, to recruit volunteer firefighters.
to live out his life, with comfort and love.
ciety Of CENTRAL FLORIDA Pet Rescue,
The stations where the open houses will be held are in the areas of the
Taz might be at A Humane Society of CEN-
co y where the Fire Service  volunteers. The     station are  Inc at 527.9050, leave name, number, pet’s
 unt  most needs  Open Housesat each  
name, loudly, clearly, for a return call, later.
  1 p.m. at:           Donation is $150, www.AHumaneSociety-
from 10 a.m. to  
LY, SATURDAY Adoption Event in Pet Su-
Floral City Fire Station, 7880 East Spanish Trail
     
permarket, Inverness, 10-12 PM.””
Hernando Fire Station, 3673 East Orange Drive
     
 DeRosa Fire Station, 10165 N. Citrus Avenue
Sugarmill WoodsFireWestPark Drive
  Station, 500  Oak
NAPA Auto &
 County LarryMorabito said, fire response, time is critical
Citrus    Fire Chief   “In    a
element. be the first on   can make the
Volunteers, who can  the scene in the more rural areas, 
Truck Parts
difference in their communities. They are an extremely important element in our Fire Ser-
Fax: 352-447-6099
vice. I hope we see some motivated residents turn out to learn how they can be a vital part
(352) 447-6000
of fire protection in their own communities.”
For more information about the open houses or the Fire Service, call
U.S. 19 - Inglis
Hydraulic Hoses Our Specialty
Hydraulic Hoses up to 2"- 6 Wire
(352) 489-3391
       
U.S. 41 - Dunnellon
Just North of Powell Rd
               
           
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Quality, Compassionate
Todd Sumlin
Veterinary Care including:
• Annual Exams & Vaccinations
Plant Manager
To: Antonio Reyes
• Digital Radiography
• Microchip Implants
• Health Certificates
AD PROOF for November 24, 2010 issue
Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
155 Heights Avenue, Inverness
Sun 12pm-4pm
Animal Hospital
(352) 726-2460
10880 U.S. Hwy 19 S.
New terms per phone conversation of Mon., Nov.15, 2010:Your Family’s Other Doctor
Phone (352)447-2209
Pet Grooming
P.O. Box 519
Ad willglis, FL. 34449
continue to run, twice monthly. Inverness location will be added.
Fax (352)447-0218
20372 E. Penna. Ave.
Debra Moore, DVM
Dogs • Cats • Ferrets • Rodents
Please either phone, fax or email us to let us know if ad meets with your approval.
We appreciate your business!